
Inventory > Bill of materials > Edit BOM > BOM positions > Edit BOM positions > General

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Bill of materials

  Edit BOM

      BOM positions

          Edit BOM positions

              BOM position - General

              BOM position - Extended

              BOM position - Costs



In the General tab you can define various quantity-specific information for the BOM item:



Window artikel_stlpos_edit.psr


Field descriptions


Determines the requirement in input UoM per assembly in input unit (See Input UoM , Units of measure )


Calculation of total quantity

The total quantity is always in inventory UoM

Calculation is


total quantity = input UoM

* Conversion factor to production UoM

* Scrap % (formula: see scrap%)

* Conversion factor to inventory UoM

* (Quantity from work order position * Conversion factor to inventory UoM)

: Quanity per (see per)

+ fixed quantity surchase


You can define Material position with Quantity = 0

Example: For Material positions which you need only in processes related to the business work flow or production processes of a company.


In precalculation / post calculation you can define if Beas should valuate this Plan/Real cost. See Configuration Wizard Value negative quantity.

Sometimes you need to indicate that several products are a result of a work order. These products can be:

Co-product: Usable product, automatically generated during the production of the main product.
By-product: A product that occurs incidentally or undesirably during the manufacturing of the main product.
Dismantling: Disassembly of assemblies and return of components to stock.

In these cases, the BOM quantity is entered as a negative entry.


Negative BOM quantity behavior

Procedure or module

Negative Bom quantity is treated as

Order recommendations

Planned receipts.


Posted automatically or manually.

Work order structure

Displayed in the same color as assemblies but with another icon.

Displayed positive (as receipt).


Manually, backflushed or posted in via collective receipt. See Collective receipt.

Merging work orders

Individual receipts are inserted as negative BOM items and posted correctly to the WIA account.

Sales order

Negative items can be reserved for sales orders.


Valued according to Configuration wizard > Precalculation > Value negative quantity.


Valuation based on post-calculation is not possible.


A Bill of materials position can be a sub-assembly with own Bill of materials list and Routing position.


How to manage this  in the areas:

Procedure or module



Bill of materials defined as receipt (negative costs)

Valued according to Configuration wizard > Precalculation > Value negative quantity.

Routing positions cannot produce negative costs. These are always zero.


Planned cost:

Bill of Materials: negative costs

Routing position: zero

Real costs:

Bill of Materials: Sum of all transactions

Routing position: Sum of all time receipts. Can be only positive.


Configuration example for disassembly:

For disassembly there is no main product. Use a service item (not storage related) and define the resulting products in the BOM. Expected quantities are entered as negative.


Service item

|_ Product 1
|_ Product 2



Configuration example for a by-product:

For by-products indicate a main product on top level. This way you can work with offcut and reuse waste material.

Main item
|_ Material
|_ By-product

Area Master Data


Quantity input UoM


If the stored value is NULL, MENGE_VERBRAUCH will be used.

In th entry window, INPUT_QTY is entered, using  INPUT_FACTOR the column MENGE_VERBRAUCH is calculated.

Input UoM


Input UoM



Conversion factor from input unit to production UoM

Quantity Production UoM


Requirment in production UoM. Reference quantity for all following calculations

Production UoM


Production UoM from item master

Quantity warehouse


Requirement in Inventory UoM – Information only

Inventory UoM


Inventory UoM as per item master




If an issue or receipt document is created for this position or the position has order-related sub-assemblies, it is not possible to change the quantity.


Quantity per ..

The quantity specification relates to the assembly quantity x the factor specified here.

At quantity 2 and "Quantity per 10 pieces", 2 pieces are needed per 10 assemblies. The default for "Quantity per" can be stored in the options.


Requirement (quantity per) means: how much material is needed per assembly (quantity given in "quantity per")

Assembly quantity "1" relates to the consumption unit of the assembly

BOM quantity relates to the consumption unit of the BOM item


Quantity per = 0

Entered quantity = Total quantity


Quantity per = 1

Entered quantity * Assemblies to be produced in Production UoM


Quantity per > 1

Entered quantity * Assemblies to be produced in Production UoM
                 : Quantity per



This is the field right of Quantity without title.

Here you can choose the Unit of Measurement, in which you want to define the needed Quantity (See field Quantity)

Standard is Production UoM See: Units of measure




It is possible to change this field every time and to every UoM, which is defined in the Unit of measurement.

if a Unit of Measurement Group  is defined in the Master Data from this Material, you can choose only an UoM defined in the UoM Group.


Note: It is important that a UoM Conversion factor is defined in UoM Conversion.


Related to the conversion formula and current values of this BoM Position, the system calculates the Quantity in Production UoM and then the Inventory UoM.

In Work order > Bill of Materials the input unit is only changeable:

- if no transaction exists

- a Unit of Measurement Group  is defined in the Master Data from this Material


You can choose only UoM if

- Defined in the Unit of Measurement Group

- UoM Conversion exists for this UoM and Inventory UoM


If you change the Input unit, the Quantity will be calculated based on quantity in production UoM and on the Conversion formula defined in the UoM Conversion.

If you change the Quantity in input UoM, the system calculates the quantity in production UoM and  in inventory UoM based on UoM Conversion.


If you change the quantity with Beas script or import hub, the system overwrites the Input Unit with Production UoM.

If you refresh the work order, the system overwrites the Input Unit with Production UoM.


In Work order Bill of Materials you can activate the Input Unit via window settings. But this fields is not changeable.


If you change the quantity in Production UoM, the system overwrites the Input unit with Production UoM.



UoM Conversion

If Unit of Measurement Group  is defined in the Master Data of this Material, the system tries to use the conversion factor defined in the UoM Group.

If it is not stored there, the system searches the UoM Conversion table. If it does not exist, the system searches the opposite in the same table and creates the formula

  "1 : [the defined formula]

If the opposite does not exist, the system returns an error and continues with Conversion factor 1.


Note UoM Group
In Bill of Materials you can define the Quantity in Input Unit. This will be converted in Production UoM and this in Inventory UoM.

Problem: If Production UoM is not the Inventory UoM and the Input UoM is not Production UoM, the system cannot find an entry in the UoM Group. In this case, the system searches the conversion in the UoM Conversion table to convert the quantity from Input Unit to production Unit.


Unit factor and UoM Tool tip

In the work order position, the system displays the unit in green which means that the unit factor is inside (see image below). Moving the mouse over this field, the system displays a tool tip with information on the factor and the UoM (see image below).

The system can calculate with 20 decimals rounded up to 6 decimals for display.



When you change the UoM, the system calculates the Quantity and the factor automatically (see image below).

The new Quantity is based on the current production unit.

NOTE: This is only possible if a Conversion factor was defined previously).



Conversion: 1 TPcs =1000 Pcs

Old Qty = 2000 Pcs

Change UoM to TPcs. The System display Quantity = 2 TPcs

If the Quantity in TPcs is changed, the system calculate the Production UoM and from this the Inventory UoM

If length/width/height, density or item code self is changed, the base quantity is always the quantity in Production UoM and the system always calculates  the quantity in the Production UoM and Inventory UoM.



Only in Master Data and Pre Calcuation:


Displayed only if consumption unit and entry unit are different

Enter the conversion factor between the quantity indicated here and the consumption unit. Quantity is divided by the indicated factor.



Quantity 10, Factor 5

Results in a Requirement of 2 in consumption units of the material position per consumption unit if the assembly



Quantity per

Quantity refers to assembly for the given factor. For quantity 2 and "Quantity per 10 Pcs": 2 pieces are required per 10 assemblies. The default for "Quantity per" can be stored in the options.


For additional information see Quantity


Quantity surcharge

Share of the surcharge – used for the Precalculation and production.

The scrap factor at assemblies relates not the assembly, but only to its material requirement.

The scrap is calculated per lot size:



Assembly lot size 500, required 1000, scrap 1 in assembly equals to 1 per 500 = 2
There is a total requirement of 1002 if a material 1x per assembly is required


This value will be calculated in production and cannot be changed.

Scrap %

Indicate material scrap which is added to the calculated requirement.




This field is visible in Master Data and Pre Calculation.

In work order you can see the calculated Scrap


You can set the formula to be used in the Configuration Wizard.

You can define follow formula:

Scrap = Quantity * ( Scrap % )    (=default setting)

Scrap = Quantity / ( 1 - Scrap%/100 )



Definition with Scrap = Quantity * ( Scrap % )

Requirement: 10 Pcs
Scrap: 10%

Total requirement: 11 Pcs


Definition with Scrap = Quantity / ( 1 - Scrap% / 100 )

Requirement: 10 Pcs

Scrap 10%

Total requirement:


Calculated scrap

This value is calculated when the work order is created. It cannot be changed; it is a one-time surcharge.

(Assembly quantity * BOM quantity) + "calculated scrap"

If the assembly quantity is changed, the "calculated scrap" does not change. To re-calculate, a work order update is required.



- scrap factors in routing, see routing - material scrap

- scrap of superordinate assembly or phantom assembly, see scrap

- offcut factor of superordinate assembly or phantom assembly, see offcut factor



For purchase parts additionally

- scrap as per master data, see scrap

- off-cut factor as per item master, see offcut factor


Note: If in BOM position "Do not post scrap" is activated, scrap will not be determined.



Master data – edit BOM


Option consider offcut

Rounding type

Rounding dec

The rounding rule can be defined here.


The following settings are available:

No rounding

There is no rounding

round up

The number is rounded up. The exact decimal place can be defined in "Rounding Dec."




You have defined 1 piece per 18: the factor is then = 0.055556

If you multiply 0.555556 x (17+1) = 1.000008

After this you apply a round up --> The final result is 2

round off

Rounding at 5

From 0,5 (1 Decimal place) or 0,5 (2 Decimal places) will be rounded up.
Lower will be rounded off




Decimal place











Note: Only the last decimal place will be considered. Thus there is no rounding up of the second decimal place.














multiple of

Always the multiple will be formed, which will be indicated in "Rounding Dec."


Order multiple of 4

4, 8, 12, 16 is counted

At quantity 3 is rounded to 4

At quantity 4 the quantity 4 remains unchanged
At quantity 5 is rounded to 8



Order multiple of 10

10,20,30,40 is counted

At quantity 1 is rounded to 10

At quantity 10 the quantity 10 remains unchanged
At quantity 11 is rounded to 20


youtube Bom Rounding function

youtube Examples


Example 1:

A palette per 100 pieces is required
Quantity of requirement corresponds 0.01 palette per piece. But at least one palette has always to be required and from 101 pieces even 2 palettes. The BOM position will be adjusted as following for this:


Quantity: 0,01
Rounding type: multiple of
Rounding Dec. 100


Example 2:

A half piece is required. because there is no half piece. It must always be rounded up to 0 decimal place because there is no half piece.

Thus a requirement of 0,8 will actually be rounded up to 1 piece.

The following setting occurs:


Rounding type: round up

Rounding Dec: 0




Negative statement of decimal places are not supported.

Rounding results are always in Inventory UoM.


For backflushed material, the material is issued on receipt of this routing position. The MRP run and APS consider the start date of this operation when calculating the material requirement.


Phantom assembly group:

Routing-assignments work with restrictions for nested phantom assemblies: The routing assignment of the above located main assembly group always applies instead of the phantom assembly group assignment within a sub-phantom assembly group.


Master data:

Which routing is to be used can be defined in the BOM. The routing with the same ID will be used if none have been defined. A checking of the assignment is not possible because a routing can be assigned to multiple Bill of materials. The assignment will not be checked even at a change of a routing.



Assignment is always done at the routing of the current production position.


Only in Work order Bill of Material window

More information see concept "Total Quantity"


Current Inventory in Inventory UoM on Warehouse, which defined in field "Warehouse". Only in Work order Bill of Material window


If a warehouse is specified, the material is issued from this warehouse by default when backflushing. Warehouse information is mandatory.

You can choose any warehouse defined for this item, and active on item-warehouse side and active on warehouse side.

It is allowed to select a warehouse, which is locked for issue transactions.


MRP checks the warehouse defined in the BoM Position.

Precalculation: It is possible to select locked warehouses.


Note: At "Production backflushing" you can specify an issue warehouse which has a higher priority.

See Production backflushing


Width / OD

Height / ID

Determines the measurements of the materials.
The requirement of the consumption unit can be indicated. The required quantity in warehouse unit can be defined in Quantity unit - Conversion

The measurement can be indicated in the conversion.




Requirement: 100mm (Consumption unit)

Conversion to piece: 1 piece = 1000mm

A requirement of 0.1 piece is then determined.


It is set automatically according to the settings if the default quantity has been reached. The completed BOM positions are no longer considered in the material requirement list and MRP.


This field is unnamed in the basic installation. The name of the field can be configured in Configuration Wizard > Master Data > Bill of Materials > View > Info Field.



Only available in Work order Bill of Material position

Displays if the Position is closed or not

if this position not closed, you can close this position


If you want to reactivate this Bill of Material position, you must choose "right mouse click" – "Position re-activate"


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