
Inventory > Item master > Master Data tab > General

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PATH: Inventory > Item structure/Item report > double-click an item > Item master data for XXX > Master Data tab > General tab.


Window artikel_edit.psr





Flag to identify whether the item is taxable. If this option is selected, the tax group can be defined on the Purchase Data tab.

Match Code

The match code serves as search field to sort and display the part master data according to a criterion created by the user. The match code can be an abbreviation of the initials of supplier/customer name and location or the name of a parts family. All alphanumeric symbols are allowed; the sort order is number-digit. Furthermore, the match code is the key in the info list of the part master.


This text field serves to document DIN numbers if the master part is a standard part and is registered in a standardization institute.

Drawing No.

Technical drawing number. This is shown in Beas at all key locations. This field can be used for filtering and searching in several Beas windows.


Enter a manufacturer if the item is a brand product. You can assign an item to only one manufacturer.

Additional identifier

Enter additional information about the item.

Raw Material

Raw Material info defines the raw materials of an item.


In the Raw Material definition you can define the Raw Material Id, the Description, Density, up to 4 Properties and a price.

Access: Edit Raw Material, License: Basic License, Windows setting are supported.


You can define the raw material in the item master data and bill of materials position.


Window basis_wst_browse.psr


Example for Raw Material:

A sheet of metal is made of aluminum or iron.

A pipe is made of plastic or stainless steel.


Used for

Work order Variant system: Define Raw Material by formula.
Work order Variant system: Define Machine: permitted number of rpm .
Calculation: Calculate price by Raw Material (own formula system).
Work order report: Report additional properties for example Melting temperature.
Conversion between the units of quantity if the density stored in the raw material is required for this. See Unit of Measurement – Conversion.


Inventory UoM is kg

Consumption is Pcs with length, height and width.







((length *  od * pi()^2)  - (length * id * pi()^2) ) * density


For more information see Unit of Measures.


Employee responsible for maintaining the item master data.

Material Group

Beas offers a grouping possibility with the Material Group field. This group is useful for filtering, searching, production planning, programming (since it is integrated with MRP and APS on the sorting and filtering options), and for the calculation function (a surcharge rate can be linked to each Material Group). The material surcharge is stored for Precalculation.

see Material Group

If the user has extended authorization for routing or BOM, this field is locked.

See Authorization – Extended

Cost Center

The entered cost center can be transferred to the posting document for production postings.


Configuration wizard – Assembly – Account determination

Item Administrate by

Defines how to use batches or serial numbers for items when creating material issue or material receipt documents. This will have impact on material issue and material receipt in production processes.

None (Default): Method if the item has neither a serial number nor a batch.
Serial Numbers: Method for managing the serial numbers of the item.
Batches: Method for managing the batches of the item.



- Only "Management Method "On Every Transaction" supported

- Primary issue: Only by "Serial and Batch Numbers" supported




General settings – Stock


Only the following combinations are supported:


Manage Method "On Every Transaction"
Issue Primary by "Serial and Batch Numbers"
Unique Serial Numbers by "Serial Number"





It is not possible to change this field

- If Item Version is activated

- Stock is available

- Batch- or Serial number related items are created.



Date range for specifying the validity period for the item.


Period in which item is active.


Period in which item is inactive.


Opens both upper switches (if disabled, only one is available).

UDF 1-4

To use these:

1. Create UDF's in SAP Business One  for an item

2. Go to: Configuration wizard > Item > View > Item master
3. Enter designation for UDF
4. Click on cogwheel icon right to UDF
5. Select the UDF you created in "UDF Column" .
(beas 9.1 PL: 08, item_udf)


Manufacturing data (Right side)



Procurement Method

Make – Scheduling creates production order recommendations for the item.


All higher-level items should be defined as manufacturers so that the requirement can be calculated for the subordinate items during scheduling. In the case of a bill of materials for sales or assembly, no actual production order is output for the higher-level items, only the requirements for the subordinate items.


Buy – Scheduling creates purchase order recommendations for the item.


The Buy method should be selected for the subordinate items of the lowest level of the bill of materials for items which are not part of the bill of materials.



How the Bill of materials/routing is broken down (exploded)




Production UoM

The unit of measure for consuming this item when it is a component of another items bill of materials during production.

See Edit item´s unit of measure

All other units are managed in the Purchase Data, Sales data and Inventory Data tab or centrally using the orange arrow in the "Units of Measure" window.


In master data the BOM quantities and the work order quantities are always indicated in production UoM

The unit can be used in which material was actually withdrawn: for example storing in liters, but withdrawal in kg.


In all functions, where required quantity and stock are indicated, the total stock is always displayed in inventory UoM, as otherwise no comparison of planned quantity, posted quantity and stock would be possible.


A special case is single material posting There, the withdrawal quantity can be given in production UoM it will be converted to warehouse units immediately.


The conversion from inventory UoM to production UoM is defined in Quantity units – Conversion



All other units are managed in Purchase/Sales/Inventory tabs or using the orange arrow in window "Quantity units"

Specific weight

This field can be used as a conversion field between consumption unit and warehouse unit:

1. Activate Specific Weight in Configuration wizard > Item

2. The specific weight field in the item master is now used as a conversion factor between the units of store and quantity.

3. Only "density" is specified in the conversion formula between units of store and usage

see Master data - Units of measure

If this field is disabled in Configuration wizard, density can be entered in raw material.

Lot size / Production

Define the max. Lot size for production in Inventory or Production UoM

See concept Lot size



If the lot size produces more than 10 Positions, the system asks if you want to continue.

If the lot size produces more than 200 Positions, the system cancels the process with a message:

" Lot size is set to <losgr>. This corresponds to <summ> Positions created. Max. allowed are however <limit> positions. Creation is aborted (LimitLotSize)"

It is possible to increate the limitation. Please contact our support if needed.


Note on sub-structures:

Lot sizes of order related sub-structures are considered only if activated separately.
See Configuration wizard – Production – Create new.

If the count of the created positions is larger than the limitation, the system ignores the lot size in the last position and displays an error message (LimitLotSize)
Example: 1000 Pcs, Lotsize = 1. 200 Positions created. Position 1-199 for 1 Pcs and Position 200 with 801 Pcs


PreCalculation: Supports Production Lot size

MRP Calculation: Ignores Production Lot size while calculating requirement based on sales order, forecast and other documents.

Issue method

Defines the way the item is issued in production: backflushing (automatically) or manually.




The components are manually output to the production order without considering the output of the product.


The components are automatically issued to the production order once completion of the higher-level item is reported. (e.g. reporting the last operation, goods receipt of the assembly or via Materials Management – Backflush).


Serial number- or batch number-managed items cannot be set to "Backflushing".

However, if this type of item should generally be removed with backflushing, it can be activated in the Configuration Wizard.

see Backflushing - Also post batches

youtube Webinar 8/2017, Part Configuration

Cut-Off (%)

Only available when Mode of Procurement is defined as “Buy”.

This field is used to define a percentage of the material that is wasted when it is used as raw material for production.

For example:

if Cut-Off (%) is set to “10” and the item is linked to a Bill of Material with the quantity of “50”,

Beas will change the quantity to “55” in the position when a Work Order is created (“50” from Bill of Materials plus “5” from 10% cut-off rate). Cut-Off (%) will also be considered while calculating cost in the pre-calculation functionality.

youtube Video: Scrap on Item Level

see Scrap, Calculated scrap, Option consider cut-off, Production item – cut-off

Scrap Rate %

This value is used for Precalculation. Only available when Mode of Procurement is defined as “Produce”.

Scrap factor for assemblies relates to the material requirement for an assembly rather than the assembly.



Scrap factor for assemblies is not related to the assembly requirement, but only to the material requirements of this subassembly.

In Precalculation, there are only an information on quantity for BOM item and assembly. This creates an additional requirement for the assembly. If then a work order is created, the behavior may vary.


Phantom assembly

Scrap factor is calculated and entered as "calculated scrap" into the BOM item  and taken into account.


Order related Item

BOM Order related items do not apply the scrap factor, system will generate a work order position for the order related item and scrap factor will be applied to of the sub work order BOMs only.


Purchase part:

The scrap factor is calculated in the work order as total value, added to the cut-off value and other scrap factors and entered to the BOM column calculated scrap.

Precalculation: entered in Master Data > scrap and also taken into account.



using order time receipt function and reporting scrap See Configuration wizard – Backflushing


youtube Video: Scrap on Item Level

see Concept Scrap, Calculated scrap, Option consider cut-off, Production item – cut-off

Scrap Table

Cut-Off Table

Define item based scrap on table level.

The Scrap defined in Scrap/Cut-Off Table


The scrap factor affects:

purchase parts: "calculated scrap"

assemblies: material requirement of the subassembly
sub-assemblies: surcharge for scrap in sub-components



using order time receipt function and reporting scrap See Configuration wizard – Backflushing
no consideration in Precalculation


youtube Video: Scrap on Item Level

see Concept Scrap, Calculated scrap, Option consider cut-off, Production item - cut-off

Phantom Item

Phantom items only define the bill of materials and routing, have no inventory maintenance and can be neither purchased nor sold. An assembly can have any number of phantom items, finally used to combine the bill of materials and routing according to the assembly principle.

Note: A phantom item is an item type in bill of materials which only has a technical or structural function. Phantom items are not actual components or intermediate assemblies, so they are defined as non-warehouse items.

For example, a company produces different laptops as finished good, and all different laptop models use the same set of cables: monitor connector, power connector, HDMI cable. It will be easier to group the set of cables as a phantom item in Beas, so you will not have to assign the cables to each bill of material separately. To do so, we have to create the bill of materials with all required cables, and link the phantom item as a component of all laptop models. After creating a Work Order, Beas will only include the phantom item structure (Bill of Materials and Routing) and not the item as an assembly.

Withdrawal Document

For information only.


For information only.


If active, this item must be made available in the allocation warehouse. The item has to be allocated to a specific warehouse in order to be available for consumption in a Work Order.

See Allocation – Button Filter.

Release production

Release for production? If disabled, no work order may be created for this item.

See WO Document position.

Gross Weight

For information only.

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