BOM positions – tab

Inventory > Bill of materials > Edit BOM > BOM positions

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Bill of materials

  Edit BOM

      BOM positions

          Edit BOM positions

 Alternative material

      Cross reference

  BOM Batch change

  Difference BOM

  Copy BOM



Window artikel_stlpos_browse.psr


Window settings and Templates are supported.

For field descriptions See Edit BOM.



The position is alphanumeric information and does not define the sorting.

A sorting can be changed in the following way:

Click on the field position and hold the mouse button. A right hand shaped cursor appears. Note: the selected field may not have the focus.

Move the cursor with pressed mouse button to the desired row.

Release the mouse button.


The row will be moved to the new row position accordingly.

Note: The position number will not be renumbered automatically. This can be executed via right-click > renumber.

For more information on Position Number, Sorting and Field Description: See Field description "Position"

hmtoggle_plus1Example: Gas Nozzle Sub-assembly

BOM contains:


12 Damper Disk Bracket

12 Crimp PC connector 22x 23"

4 Wire 15" green

1 Plate 1"x12,5" Control Mount


If several operations are needed to manufacture an item, the material can be assigned in the BOM of each operation.

Double-clicking on an item opens the editing window. See: Edit BOM item


hmtoggle_plus1Variants A-Z


In this list you can define which variant (A-Z) of the BOM will be used.
To work with variants A-Z, you must make them visible via right-click > window settings.


Window artikel_stlpos_browse.psr


If a checkbox is enabled, the bom is considered if the selected variant is produced.

The BOM is ALWAYS considered if no checkbox is enabled.


Column setup: See Variants – notes on database


Beas includes proprietary variant management. It is possible to store up to 26 variants for an item. The descriptions of the variants are stored directly with the item.

A variant is a fixed occurrence of the parameters defined in the item.


In a variant it is defined which BOM positions and routing position must be used for this variant (A-Z).

The variants (Variantenmatrix) can be inserted in the BOM or in the routing via window settings.

The following rule applies:

This position will be inserted if no variant – checkbox is enabled.
If at least one variant is active – checkbox, the position will only be inserted if the resulting checkbox has been selected.


Windows artikel_stlpos_browse.psr


Variants A-Z can be named in the item or in the configuration wizard. See Configuration wizard, Item master data

Note: At a variant definition Variants are always sorted by A-Z in lists instead by the names which are stored in the article master.

The variant definition is stored in the tables BEAS_STL.SHORTVARIANTDEF (for BOM) and BEAS_APL.SHORTVARIANTDEF (for routing) as a "character string".

It consists of 26 characters with J (Active) and N (Not active)

Example: JJNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN = Active for variant A and B


help-achtungPlease note:

If there is something else in this database field or the "string" is not exactly 26 characters long, the variant will not be checked!


To create a customer order using a specific variant, create the customer order, then select the item, and select it via the right-click-menu "variant". In the new window all variants are displayed. Select the variant which you will have for the item in the actual line of the customer order. You can select from existing variants, copy a variant, or generate a new variant by entering parameter values for this item.

Calculation: You can perform a calculation for a line, according to its variant, from a quote or order in SAP Business One. The Precalculation can be called up via right-click-menu "calculation". Parameters not defined in the variant are queried explicitly during the BOM breakdown. A calculation structure modified according to the parameters is created. The result is usually displayed in beas in the calculation window. You can also convert it into a work order.

The resulting variant is transferred automatically to the customer order or quote line. You can then generate a work order from the customer order. The BOM and routing from the work order are then customized accordingly.

If a work order is to be created for a sales order, the variant stored in the sales order is displayed when you switch to the "Production" tab in the bottom left window. If no variant is stored, this can be selected here if variants are stored in the item.


Requirement calculation: If no work order exists for a sales order yet, and it is an order-based item, the variant stored in the sales order is considered for the requirement calculation. In case of an assembly (warehouse-managed item), the BOM and routing positions active by default are used, i.e. you must define which default scenario should be used for requirement calculation. It is generally unreasonable to produce variant items in the warehouse.


All variants are loaded in a Precalculation at all times. In the header of the calculation, the variant to be calculated currently can be selected. All BOM positions and routing positions not belonging to the currently selected variant are grayed out and not evaluated.

It is not possible to change Variant settings in the Precalculation.


When manually creating work orders, the variant can also be selected for the assembly position if variants are stored in the item.

This only works when creating a new work order. This cannot be changed subsequently.


In extended warehouse master data a default variant can be created. Different variants of a product can be produced depending on the production warehouse. If a work order is created (manually or via MRP) the respective variant is inserted. (beas9.0-000-000-006).

See Edit extended warehouse data


If Version control  is set to "Variants", an item version corresponds to a variant. Use this if a BOM and routing needs to be defined separately for each variant. This can be performed without formulas and scripts.


hmtoggle_plus1Item with BOM per item version


This list can be called up via BOM administration. If working with a separate BOM per version for this item, the tabs "BOM" / "Routing" are hidden. These can be selected via item version.

hmtoggle_plus1Percentage display


It is possible to display quantities of BOM positions in %: Window settings > activate column %

The requirement of single BOM positions is displayed in %. The sum of all quantities equals 100%.



Window artikel_stlpos_browse.psr



Pos 10 = 3 ml = 60%
Pos 20 = 2 ml = 40%


Calculated as follows:


Single quantity : Sum of all quantities * 100



Scrap % and fixed surcharges are not considered. If you use one of these factors, the display will not be correct.


For the calculation the consumption unit will be used. All BOM positions must have the same consumption unit, but different the warehouse unit and input unit.


Right-click menu




Edit BOM item (like double-click).


Open search menu.


Create new BOM item.


Delete BOM item. Multiple selection and deletion is supported.


Open list of stored reports.

Next entry

Jump to next entry.

Window settings

Open window settings.

Renumber BOM

hmtoggle_plus1  BOM is renumbered

The currently visible BOM is renumbered after new sorting. Increments can be set up in Configuration wizard

Only the visible column will be numbered (Feld "BEAS_STL.POS_TEXT"). The intern numbering will not be changed (Feld "BEAS_STL.POS_ID").

Duplicate to

Open the window "Duplicate BOM".

Insert from

Insert a copied BOM position from clipboard.

Save sorting

Sorting of position is determined by drag&drop. After moving, you can save the sorting.


Change log.

Formula assigned for active field

A formula can be stored for the selected field.

Inventory history

Open inventory history.


Query for difference BOM.

Alternative material

Add alternative material.




Configuration wizard BOM

Data set selection


Sort function youtube Youtube baidu Baidu (qf99)



back to item master

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