Alternative material

Inventory > Bill of materials > Edit BOM > BOM positions > Alternative material

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 Alternative material

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In the BOM for each item an alternative can be deposited. You can define for example, that instead of 1 item of type A 2 items of B may be used.

If a BOM position is opened, with right-click on the item number the item can be replaced.


If you have deposited alternative items these are displayed in the tree view with the replacement-icon. Click on this icon to open the selection screen in which alternative items are displayed. If you select a position, the item and the quantity is changed in the BOM.


Alternative material is displayed directly in the work order structure view as well as in the item structure, if the position is not completed and proper editing rights are granted. The item can be changed directly. Here, the quantity and the material is exchanged.


- If the exchanged material is an order-related assembly, there is no resolution of its material.

- Item Version current not supported


hmtoggle_plus1Note on Data configuration

Not saved in a separate data base table, but in BOM data field "BEAS_STL"."ALTERNATIVMATERIAL" with the configuration.


Itemcode [tab] Info [tab] Quantity [LineFeed]



The alternative material can be synchronized or can be imported vie the Integration Hub.



Bill of materials

WO structure BOM


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