
Concepts > Scrap

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The term scrap has several alternative expressions with different uses, depending on the industry: waste, scrap factor, additional requirement, offcut, cut-off, waste, and so on.

Beas provides various scrap and offcut factors. The difference is entered during input, not during the calculation.





Item Master Data



Only for items with Procurement Method "Make"

youtube Video: Scrap on Item Level

Item Mater Data

Scrap Table

Only for items with Procurement Method "Make"

Scrap definition is defined in the scrap / cut-off table

youtube Video: Scrap on Item Level

Item Master Data

Cut-Off %

Only for items with Procurement Method "Buy"

Define scrap on work order Bill of materials level, but item-related

youtube Video: Scrap on Item Level

Item Master Data

Cut-Off Table

Only for items with Procurement Method "Buy"

Define scrap on work order Bill of materials level, but item-related

Scrap definition is defined in the scrap / cut-off table

youtube Video: Scrap on Item Level

Bill of Materials


Define Scrap on Bill of Materials level

See Concept BoM Scrap

Routing position

Material Scrap

Define Material Scrap on Routing level. See Concept Scrap of Material

Alternative Resource

Material Scrap

Define Material Scrap based on alternative resources

Use the defined Scrap of Material, if you use this alternative resource

See Concept Scrap of Material

Routing position


Define "Time scrap" on routing position level


Efficiency Rate %


PowerPoint Scrap factors training


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