Account setting

Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Production > Valuation and Posting of Assembly > Account determination

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Beas uses the same account determination as SAP Business One. Depending on the setting accounts are determined by warehouse, item group or item warehouse.

PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Production > Valuation and Posting of Assembly.


hmtoggle_plus0Extended Account Determination

From beas9.0-000-002-000 extended account determination is supported. The following parameters are considered: item, warehouse and valuation date.

For more information for account setting see SAP Business One-documentation.


Because Beas offers advanced functionality, the further settings are available:



Define WIP account

The Start button opens the Define WIP Account window.


Use for component transactions

Determines the "WIP account" to which the material positions should be posted.

WIP accounts for components

For material posting, the value is posted to the WIP account of the material

WIP accounts for superordinate items

For material posting, the value is posted to the WIP account of the assembly


Corresponds to SAP Business One - Document setting - Per document

See Document settings.

Calculation schema

This may only be specified here if the calculation schema stored in the item should not be used.



If you define a schema in this option, the system ignores the schema setting in the Item Master data.

This option is not available if standard price valuation has been activated. See standard cost method .



Production - Schema

Calculation Schema

Item master - Calculation schema

Book the costs on WIP depending on the scheme

On assembly receipt

The values are posted to the WIP account at the time of assembly receipt.

On closing production position

The values are only transferred when the production position is closed.


This option makes it possible to book not just the material costs but also production costs (machine costs, wage costs, etc.) from separate accounts.


If you reopen a work order position and close again, Beas does not  transfer the values again.


See Calculation Schema

Balance WIP Account


In turn, the assembly receipt debits the WIP account.

If this option is activated, the remaining amount is transferred from the WIP account (or accounts) to the difference account of the assembly and the WIP account (or accounts) thereby debited without any remainder.


There are the following setup options


WIP accounts are not automatically balanced

Upon closing

WIP accounts are balanced, as soon production has been completed. In general, this is the best option.

at posting-in assembly

WIP accounts are balanced after every posting.


We do not recommend this option, because

a) many journal entries are created
b) incorrect values may arise when you work with partial production


When to use this option:

- for very long cycle times

- if partial production do not overlap, means the first assembly will be completed, before starting the next one.




In the production types (see Production / Master Data) you can specify that the WIP accounts should not be balanced if the type is stored in the work order.

If a posting should nevertheless be performed, this can be carried out by Beas script:

object=ue_api_wo=wipclear=<workorder-number belnr_id>=<workorder-position belpos_id>=manuell

Determine cost center

The following settings are available:


No cost center determination


Cost center as per superordinate assembly. See Item master- General- Cost center


Note: Use extensions in work order management to manipulate or extend the cost center.

Variable: ftpos_profitcenter



Concept work in progress

Account setting



Examples for WIP settings

youtube Webinar: Financial accounting in beas Manufacturing




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