WO Backflushing

Terminal and WEB APP > WEB APPS Version 2.1 > WO Backflushing

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Optimized for Zebra Scanner

Browser Support

Bar code Support


beaslogo License

Production Data Collection

Warehouse Support

SAP Bin Management

Beas Bin Management

WMS Bin Management


See detailed information on the Backflushing concept.

See basic WebApp controls in General Information on WEB APPS Version 2.1.

See Logon/Logoff rules, app setup and other parameters in the Configuration wizard settings of the Web Terminal.



- The pre-assign functionality is only working if the "Automatic Material posting" field is set to "Work Order Backflushing Booking" in the Configuration wizard.

- The "Exceeding planned quantity allowed" production configuration setting affects the WO Backflushing app. See Configuration setting.

For further system settings see Backflushing and Booking.


WMS Integration:

Beas Manufacturing WebApps support WMS Batch Attributes.

After inserting a Batch Number, the system checks the mandatory attributes. If such attribute is saved for the batch, the field frame turns red, indicating the missing of mandatory information.

All field types (String, Date, List, Numbers) are supported.

See Batch Extended Information srceen.

WebApp support:

WO Goods Receipt

WO Backflushing

WO Stop

Wo Time Receipt

Goods Receipt


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Time Display

PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Terminal and WEB APP > Beas Web Terminal 2.1 > "App Setup".

Select the layout of time-related fields to be displayed in the selected app:

- Time From/To

- Duration

- Time From/To + Duration


Setting is available for WebApps:

WO Time Receipt
WO Backflushing
WO Stop


See also extended App Setup.




The following features/functions are NOT supported:

- Receipt over midnight

- Receipt for negative positions

- Pool functions

- Backflush Master-Slave

- Scrap material posting

- Scrap: Change reason

- Intermediate report

- Logon/Logoff rules

- Open QC Order after transaction

- The Attendence linking configuration setting

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202402/index.html?wo_backflushing.htm