Work order

Production > Work order general > WO structure 

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The Work Orders window is the central window for managing all production functions.


PATH: Production > Work Orders.


Work orders

 WO structure view

         Work order document

 Work orders list



The work orders are shown as a structure.


project_yellow Work order

  tool-baugruppe Assembly

      journal_headerJournal postings (overview)

          journal_line Journal transactions, valuations

              journal_sap Journal posting (SAP Journal document)

      item_bomBOM position

          resource1 Material Reservations, Batch information, Allocation


              timereceipt_gray Time receipt


In this list routings, BOMs, Assemblies, Time receipts can be administrated, created new and deleted.

Double-click the upper level (black font or marked with an orange bar) and press the Edit button to open the work order document.        


If the work order is not expanded, icons are displayed on the right in column "actual", indicating the current status of the work order.

Right to it, (column drawing number) the utilization of the affected resource is displayed for a selected period in a graphical view.




Slow buildup

Extensive information is displayed in the WO screen. For large databases this may take some time. Some possibilities to optimize the buildup of the structure view:

1. Reduce the number of rows to be displayed (Template or general setting in Configuration wizard – System)

2. Disable the Extended status display.



Export to Excel

It is not possible to export the complete, comprehensive information of the structure views.


hmtoggle_plus1Adapt structure view

Structure views are adjustable only to a limited extent. Templates are supported, but not Window settings.

In every row a different data type can be displayed: Work order, Assembly etc. These have different data sources and different columns. Accordingly, separate adjustment is required for every row.


On the upper level you can work with templates. Define filter and sorting and up to 6 template fields. These fields are not displayed directly, as it is not a dynamically adjustable list.

You can change the visible formula fields instead.



Show the designation of the assembly in WO level in field "drawing number". Display the drawing number in the assembly.


Template Field 1: "BEAS_FTPOS"."ItemName"


Customer-specific script in this window:

windowevent open


end event





cfield1 = object, which shows the drawing number


zeilentyp = 0 = work order line




if <zeilentyp> = 0 then show the result of templatefield1, otherwise the drawing number


These areas can be adjusted via Right-click > third tab > Window settings.


Meaning of the icons

Work order




Work order (different icons for different types, default: orange)


Second icon – violet dot: the first assembly in this work order is a phantom item – see Item master > Phantom Item


This icon is only displayed if an error occurred during the editing of the work order, for example a DI API error at order time receipt. As long as this icon is visible, the work order is not hidden, even if it has already been completed. The errors must be checked and confirmed.

See WO Structure Work order

Work order status: scheduled in APS

fa gedruckt

Work order status: printed

fa angemeldet

Work order status: logged on




Not scheduled


Released and scheduled


There are many context-dependant functions (right-click menu) depending on the line – the type of entry – specific features are available.

Right-clicking above in the window (below the title line) opens the window settings for the structure view. See Configuration of WO structure view.


Lower buttons




Opens a new record of the selected line. For example, if a work order is selected, a screen opens to create a new work order; if a bill of materials position is selected, a screen opens to create a new bill of materials position.

Product Costing Analysis

Creates a temporary post-calculation for the current work order.


For notes on structural view see Item structure view – Notes


back to work order general



Structure windows

Item structure view

Configuration of WO structure view

Item breakdown

Data record selection



youtube Structure search function

youtube Work order structur view – settings

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