Reservation window requirement list

Standard fields in reservation window, allocation window, provision window, material issue window and WO stock transfer request window.

hmtoggle_plus1The following entries are displayed

- Entries with requirement or all entries if this was set up in the Configuration wizard – "Display requirement quantity 0" (Reservations are not considered at requirement calculation).
- Entries for issue: negative positions.

- Entries depending on extended warehouse settings.


Via right-click - Filter all/filter requirement you can set up whether or not to display entries without requirement.


Use Window settings to define which fields are to display. Note: Diverse fields are hidden depending on settings in configuration wizard. See "Following fields only visible"


Reservation for Sales Order: Templates are not supported.

Reservation for Work order: Templates are supported.

The window is built up by the program and not by SQL-statement. That why no SQL-statements are shown.

But the following tables are available to define own fields: BEAS_FTPOS,BEAS_FTSTL,BEAS_FTHAUPT and OITM





Status of the row displayed with an icon.

The meaning of the icons in reservation window, allocation window, provision window and material issue window:








A barrel is displayed when material was selected. Colors:

Grey: material reserved, but planned quantity not yet

Green: required quantity reserved

Red barrel overflown: too much reserved


Selected quantity is moved back to the left window. The pre-allocation is deleted. The barrel icons disappear.


This is Receipt reservation, which cannot be deleted here. By clicking the icon, the screen customer order to work order opens.


Order type


Order number


Document number


Row in document


Item number


Item version


Item description (from BOM or Sales order)

Drawing number

Drawing number is transferred to purchase order, it can be changed here. If changed, it is not written back to origin document.

Allocation Warehouse

Stock on allocation warehouse


Reservation, Allocation, Material issue:

The requirement is for the complete planned quantity, which is the total requirement - booked quantity.

Planned assembly quantity * BOM requirement

- already posted material

+ canceled material

- currently reserved goods (at reservation) or selected material (at allocation or transfer)


Backflushing for example via time receipt

The requirement is for the quantity that is defined. In this case the already issued quantity is ignored.

(reported yield quantity + reported scrap) * BOM requirement

- already allocated quantity (pre-allocation) or manually selected quantity


A 0 is displayed if enough goods have been selected.



Column is displayed with colors

red: not enough goods available

blue: enough available

green: no requirement or enough goods selected (value = 0)


negative BOM quantity

Negative requirement (planned inflow) is displayed here as positive. The allocated receipt quantity is subtracted. In this case, not the requirement, but the planned quantity – received quantity is displayed. Such a position is marked with the icon item_goods.


Rounding rule

The rounding rule according to BOM position is applied to the current remaining requirement. The rounded remaining requirement minus the reserved quantity will be displayed.


Number of digits as per UoM is not considered. It is rounded according to General settings > Display > Decimals > Quantity.


Note: If scrap quantity is used, planned scrap and off-cut may not be considered. See Configuration wizard – backflushing.



Required total quantity without consideration of the reserved quantity.


Displays the currently reserved or selected quantity. Depending on the window, the column has different designation and meaning.


Reservation list:
"Reserved":  the total reserved quantity


Issue material:

"Issue": the quantity to be issued



"Reserved" - the allocation quantity



gray: nothing selected
blue: not enough selected
green: correct quantity selected
red: too much selected


Note: After changing columns in Window settings the column is displayed as "reserved". Only after reopening the title is changed window specifically.



Order related purchased

Total quantity of open purchase orders and purchase requests for this row, quantity in Inventory UoM.

Allocation warehouse

Stock on allocation warehouse

External warehouse

Stock on external warehouse

Planned quantity

Total requirement without consideration of the reserved quantity

Actual quantity

Displays posted material.

If the list is called from a from the time receipt window, then 0 value is displayed in this column.

Open Quantity

- visible in WO Stock Transfer Request window.
Displays the quantity of existing requests (not closed or transferred).


See WO Stock Transfer Request.


- visible in WO Stock Transfer Request window.

Editing field to indicate the manually or automatically preassigned Quantity to request for the selected Material.

Entering the value is mandatory.


See WO Stock Transfer Request.


- visible in WO Stock Transfer Request window.

Displays the number of items transferred from the transfer request.


See WO Stock Transfer Request.


In sales order or Production – BOM position a warehouse is stored. The stock of this warehouse is displayed.


Current free stock

Total stock

Display depends on setting Extended display:


Option activated

The stock of all non-blocked warehouses is displayed. For batch related items only released batches are considered.


Option disabled

The stock of all non-blocked warehouses is displayed.

Goods receipt from PO

Total quantity of open purchase orders in Inventory UoM.


check mark selected if the check mark "approved" was set in sales order – logistics tab.

Warehouse, primary warehouse

Warehouse which is stored in the pegging

Production BOM position: always the warehouse which is entered in the BOM

Sales order: The warehouse which is stored in the sales order row

Picklist Release

check mark, if the check mark "print picking sheet" was set in sales order – logistics tab.

Blocked stock

Stock in blocked warehouse

Res. Total

Total reservation (all orders, customer and work orders)

Delivery date

Delivery date

Selection type can be set up in Configuration wizard – Material requirement planning.

Requirement date

Delivery date less lead time


Assembly ID

Assembly quantity

Quantity of the assembly to be produced

Purchase inflow

Planned inflow from purchase

Sales order

Requirement of sales orders

Res. sales order

Reserved quantity of all sales orders

Lead time

Item lead time (replenishment time) from item master


NOTE:The following fields are visible only in

- material requirement list

- in other windows if "Reservation, issue: Extended views" was enabled.


Content of these fields is taken from Inventory history


See Configuration wizard – Production – View

Configuration wizard > Material posting > Backflushingextended display

Inventory history





From inventory history: total balance for all orders

Production outflow

From inventory history: sum of planned requirement from all work orders

Production inflow

From inventory history: sum of planned receipts from all work orders

Minimum stock

Minimum stock of this item for all warehouses

Maximum stock

Maximum stock of this item for all warehouses

Res.customer order

Reserved quantity for all customer orders

Total available

Total available quantity

Total stock - production outflow - sales order quantity + purchased quantity + production inflow


Material requirement – Purchase area

Purchase function is available only in material requirement list and only active if the field Purchase quantity in warehouse units or Purchase units was set to visible.




Purchase quantity warehouse units

Purchase quantity can be entered in warehouse units (blue)

Purchase quantity purchase units

Purchase quantity can be entered in purchase units (green)

Unit purchase

Purchasing UoM

Purchase factor

Conversion factor between Purchasing and Inventory UoMs


Can be selected by right-click

Selection type can be set up in Configuration wizard – Material requirement planning.

Delivery date

Desired delivery date


Price in Purchasing UoM.  All pricing rules are considered. Gross price lists are not considered.


Currency for the purchase order. Determined automatically with pricing.


Free entry field. Transferred to purchase order.


back to Issue and reservation window.

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