In-house production

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Batch calculation (precalculation)                

 Batch calculation overview

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                 In-house production

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In-house production tab

batch calc_inhouse

Window: pk_batchkalk_edit



Calculate In-house Production

Should parts produced in-house be calculated? Activated by default.


Field: eigenteil (J =on - standard, N=off)


Pricing for calculation

If this field is not filled, standard settings will be used.


Precalculation - Material - Purchase price.

Configuration wizard - Calculation - Precalculation - Pricing.

Pricing 2

Second pricing if no price could be determined with the first one

Enter calculation price

Should the calculation price stored in the item master data be entered? If so, you can specify the price in the following field.

This field is visible only if "per warehouse" was not enabled.

See Item - Calculation - Calculation price.

Includes price for

Specifies the value of the calculation price to be entered.

This field is visible only if "fill calculated price" was enabled.

See Item - Calculation - Calculation price.

Calculate price list

If a price list was selected, you can specify the price that should be entered in the following field.


This field is visible only if "per warehouse" was not enabled.



Saving the price list is very time-consuming. If Beas finds a beas-common-Service running, the price list update is moved to that service. Therefore, the Precalculation can be completed faster.


Reference to

Specifies the price that should be entered in the price list. At single level calculation this price is used for "material price determination" for the upper assembly.

See single step.

Calculation schema

You can select a calculation schema to be used to perform the calculation.

See Calculation schema.

One step

Sub-assemblies are not broken down but calculated as purchase parts; phantom assemblies are broken down.


Depending on the switch "value depending assemblies" (see below) sub-assemblies are always valued first.


Calculation item area A-C.

Assembly A  contains a subassembly B which again includes a subassembly C.

First the assembly C is calculated, then B and A as last.


The subassembly is valued with the value indicated in "Price list" - "with reference to". If the subassembly was not valued before, the price according to "pricing" is used.


Calculation item area A-B

"value depending assemblies" disabled.

Assembly A  contains a subassembly B which again includes a subassembly C. First, assembly B is calculated, C is valued according to "pricing" like material.

Assembly A is calculated as last, for valuation of B the calculation result is used - according to the setting "with reference to".



If you use "One Step", the result can be different than when the option is disabled.

Reason: if you work with one step, the system calculates the sub-assembly with all costs from the calculation schema. The main item uses this result in its Bill of materials and adds the costs of calculation schema at the end again.

If disabled, the system calculates the complete structure and adds costs from the calculation schema once.



If purchase parts are included in the batch run, the calculated price of the purchase parts is used as reference for material valuation when calculating the assemblies.

Field: onelevel (1=on, 0=off - Standard)


Thereof dependent Assembly valuate

Button only visible if "One step" was activated.

If active, sub-assemblies of the assemblies to be valued are also valued, even if they do not fit the selected filter.

Filter: All items from A-B
Item A is calculated, which includes items B and C

If the switch is active, items  B and C are valued before.
If the switch is not active, only item B is valued. For item C the price according to pricing is used.

Note: Variants are not checked!

subassembly B1 variant "A", B2 for variant "B"
Both sub-assemblies are calculated, even if only one of the sub-assemblies is included in the calculation of the superordinate assembly.

Field: onelevellinked,(1=on, 0=off - Standard) Version: beas9.9-000-000-006


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