Selection tab

Inventory > Inventory transactions > Batch calculation (precalculation) > Batch calculation overview > Edit Batch calculation > Selection tab

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Batch calculation (precalculation)                

 Batch calculation overview

         Edit Batch calculation

                 Selection tab

                 In-house production

                 Purchased items

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Selection tab

batch calc_Edit

Window: pk_batchkalk_edit



Item Range

Item range to be calculated (item numbers from–to).

Item Group

Item groups to be calculated.

Material group

Material groups to be calculated.

Item properties

If these are not selected, this setting is ignored.

You can use an OR or AND connector to specify which items should be considered with which item properties.


Consideration item only from the employee chosen here.

Filter SQL

An own SQL statement can be stored here, with which the containment can be executed.


Click on the SQL Icon left of field to define the SQL Filter.


Window sys_sqleditor_inserted

Here you can define the SQL statement after "WHERE"


select "OITM"."ItemCode" from "OITM" 
where /* all other filter */ /* your filter */


Available tables: BEAS_PK_BATCHCALC and Item Table "OITM"


Example: Only all items which begin with "A".

and substring("ItemCode",1,1)='A'



If a faulty SQL statement is entered, a red flag is displayed. If it is correct, a green flag is displayed.

Last goods receipt

If a value is entered here, only the items posted in the previous days (not working days) will be considered via purchase – goods receipt.


Use this for revaluation of purchase parts.



If this restriction is not to be considered, the value of this field has to be deleted completely.

Blocked items

If enabled, blocked items are included to the calculation. Default: active.

Note: Deleted items (OITM.Deleted='N') and items of other type than "item" (OITM.ItemType='I') are generally not included into the calculation.


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