Pool Report

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Available with Production Data Collection, Start, Interrupt, Completion, Finished Goods, Scrap license.

The pool report is only accessible via the Terminal application and WebApps Terminal 2.0.

See Terminal settings in Configuration wizard.


The idea and of the Pool report is to display the work for one worker for the next 1-2 days. The employee can easily see and check their work sequences for the upcoming

short period. These tasks can also be logged in. The optional material availability check shows whether the required material is available, and only operations from the current

pool are displayed (normal pool 1).


This is the same concept as a manual, paper-oriented planning board, but it is paperless and offers more functionality.




Don't use the pool list for administration of the open routing position. For this the function Work list is available.


This window  is dynamically adjustable; it displays order, size and the view of the fields can be changed. By using the lower input field or right-clicking in the title, you can filter and sort the list. Templates are supported. The list can be customized and saved per user.



Window bde_terminal_poolinfo



What can the Worker see?

- The list only shows resources which may be operated via terminal: Stations settings terminal .

- The employee may only log in to the resource stored in Personnel master FDC tab > Resources.

- Multiple log-on to several operations at once is possible if enabled in Configuration wizard (direct logon / logoff).

- Only the current Pool.

- Only if the Routing position is the first operation or if there is a time receipt for the preview routing position.


Default pool list sorting is done by resource and valuation date according to pool valuation. See Pool control.



Performance help-achtung

Using the pool list as an "administration list" to display the work of all workers – that is planning the entire work list of all workers – results in severe performance issues.

As displaying the pool list is highly CPU-intensive, this incorrect utilization of the list can slow down processing significantly.

In Beas 9.3 PL 3 we delivered a Work list for administration purposes.


hmtoggle_plus1What to do if Performance is not optimal.


hmtoggle_plus1  Field descriptions



Pool control

Pool structure report

Capacity planning


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202402/index.html?poolliste_terminal.htm