Edit QC orders

Production > Quality control > Quality control orders > Edit QC orders

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In this window a QC order is edited. The window consist of the following parts:



QC-order information

Status information

Release and Valuation


PATH: Production > Quality Control > QC order > Open an entry.


Window qs_qshaupt_edit.psr






Opens the documents window. It stores all documents linked to the QC order.

Batch block

hmtoggle_plus1 Release or block the linked batch

This button is only visible if dealing with a batch-related item. Releasing the item, only the batch status is changed to released. There is no transfer.

It may be that the expiry date is set. For more information refer to Configuration wizard > Quality control > Batches.

Concept of releasing batches

Input per sample

The Samples window opens. The button is displayed only if activated in QC-inspection plan – registration.

See our QC by Sample WebApp dedicated to this function.

youtube QC by Sample - QC by Test - QC Transfer (WebApps 2.1) demonstration

Input by test

The Input by test window is opened.

The button is displayed only, if activated in the QC-inspection plan – registration.

See our QC by Test WebApp dedicated to this function.

youtube QC by Sample - QC by Test - QC Transfer (WebApps 2.1) demonstration


The transfer window is opened. The item can be transferred from the goods receipt warehouse to the default warehouse or blocked warehouse.

See Concept goods receipt warehouse.

See our QC Transfer WebApp dedicated to this function.

youtube QC by Sample - QC by Test - QC Transfer (WebApps 2.1) demonstration


Open the list of SAP Activities linked with the selected QC order.






ID of the QC Order. The first character indicates the document type.

Goods receipt  PO (I)

Purchase goods receipt

Production (E)

Assembly posting in production

Sales-Return (R)

Sales credit or offset

Reaching Date of Expiry (C)

Set at "batches to be verified"

Stock transfer (T)

for stock transfer

Goods Receipt (M)

for all manual postings

AP Invoice (X)

purchase invoices

Negative Purchase returns (Y)

for returns from purchase with negative amounts

Credit Memos (O)

credit memos

Negative Delivery (P)

deliveries with negative amounts

Negative Invoices (Q)

invoices with negative amounts

Split batch (A)

At batch split

Transfer batch (B)

At a batch transfer

See how you can create QC order for SAP documents without Beas running.

youtubeHow to create QC orders for SAP documents without Beas running


Unique document number (beas9.0-000-003-005)


Reason for the QC order  (goods receipt, work order etc.)

See: Types


After the QC order is printed first, this check box is automatically enabled.


Item to be checked: version number and item designation


Description of the item.


I-version according to source document.

Drawing number

Drawing number of the item.


Manufacturing date or goods receipt date.


Quantity already posted or to be checked.

QC-inspection plan

Link to QC-inspection plan.


The source document can be opened via the arrow.

Note: Multiple sources are also possible, eg. a  receipt for a work order document. In this case the receipt document is opened as direct origin of the QC order.


The production structure view with this work order is displayed if the source document is a production-operation sequence. The operation sequence is opened directly if the work order has more than 2 production positions. Otherwise an assignment in the structure view would be very difficult.

beas 9.2 PL: 02

Business partner

Link to Business partner in origin document.

Item info

Information from Item QC-note that can be edited.


Free text information on the QC order.


Status information



Sample open

Number of samples not yet released.


Number of released samples.


Number of samples marked as faulty.


Transfer status. Also see Transfer, Concept Goods receipt warehouse.

no: no transfer needed
open: not yet transferred or not completed
posted: item completely posted

Transfer Open

Information related to transfer documents. This field shows open transfer items.

Transfer Good

Information of good items.

Transfer Rejected

Information of rejected items.


Release and Valuation



Blockage reason

Enter the possible blockage reasons.

You can only select blockage reasons that match the QC-inspection plan group or have no entry in the group and they need to be visible in the respective area (Order, sample, measurement).

Blockage reasons may have further effect.

See Blockage reasons


Field only visible if Valuation was not set to "no" in QC-inspection plan . Entry is mandatory if Valuation  was set to "mandatory" in QC-inspection plan.


Valuation reasons are setup under Valuation


You can only select valuation reasons which match the QC-inspection plan group or which have no entry there. Furthermore, they need to be visible in the respective area (Order, sample, measurement).



Automatic release depending on the settings. Conditions are defined in QC-inspection plan - Release

An electronic signature may be required.


Release effects the release name and release date fields.

Depending on the settings, the order is either closed automatically or transfer or batch release is allowed.


Note: If parallel QC-inspection plans have been defined, a QC-order may only be released, after all related QC-inspection plans had been released. An automated release may be blocked. (beas 9.1 PL: 08)


If the QC-order is closed, it is displayed in the quality control list only, if Search for Archive was used.


If the order is closed:

The "closed by" / "at" fields are automatically set.
The order can no longer be edited, measured values can not be changed, material can not be posted.


A closed QC-order can be re-opened using right-click > Open document.


Field is only visible if a batch related item was stored. If only one batch is linked, the field cannot be edited. In other cases, the batch can be selected.


Use release to release or block the batch. Click the orange arrow to display batch details.


User definable fields can be set up in the Configuration wizard.


Change log: The Change Log displays all changes for the Quality Control order.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?qs-auftrag_bearbeiten.htm