Quality control

Inventory > Item master > Quality control

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Inspection plans can be defined for an item. The inspection plan on top position in the list is used, matching the stored conditions.


The list is freely adjustable. See Window settings, Templates. For Field descriptions see Item – QC-inspection plan – linkage

For editing, the authorization "Item Quality control" is required.


hmtoggle_plus1List is sorted automatically by priority:




Sorting by points

Customer: 100 points

Warehouse: 100 points

I-Version: 100 points

Document type: 50 points


The list is sorted by the sum of points, quantity and date of validity.

The more conditions have been defined for one entry, the higher is the priority.


If extended rules are active, sorting is one first after clicking the button "sort". Otherwise after every new entry.


If updating from older Beas versions to beas9.0-000-003-xxx:

Previous priority is similar to the new points system. After the update, sorting by points apply.


After first call of this window it is queried, whether to activate extended rule determination


Note: If no Quality control plan is assigned to one specific item, the system checks if there is a quality control plan created with the same name as the item.  In this case, the system assigns the QC plan to the Item.


See Item – QC extended rules


If Item – QC extended rules is disabled, the list can be re-sorted by click on "Information" and using Drag&Drop.



See QC Item – inspection plan – Linkage






Save the current sorting.


New entry.


Delete entry.


Open entry. See See QC Item – inspection plan – Linkage.


Sort the list by Priority.


See: Quality control

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?qs-prfplan.htm