QC Transfer

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In this window goods to be checked can be transferred from the QC warehouse to the release warehouse.



Window qs_transfer_header.psr


Note: The window can only be opened if the goods have been posted to a goods receipt warehouse. Alternatively, a QC inspection plan can be set up making transfer possible from any warehouse.

See QC inspection plan – Release, Warehouse master data – Type of warehouse

See our QC Transfer WebApp dedicated to this function.

youtube QC by Sample - QC by Test - QC Transfer (WebApps 2.1) demonstration


Authorization for QC-Order is required. See concept Work with QC-warehouse.


The booking process

A booking is always performed from the warehouse/bin location that has been posted for the quality control order.

A pure bin location transfer is performed in case of a new bin location.

A transfer transaction is performed if the target warehouse is another warehouse. A manual posting and issue is performed in case of another item or batch number.

After the complete quantity was posted, the QC-order is marked as posted. Various rules can be applied to this process.


hmtoggle_plus1  Header details

Booking details are displayed for the entry currently selected in the lower list.

List of items to be posted supports windows settings and templates.





QC order ID. The first character indicates the document type. For details, see Edit QC orders.


Unique document number.


For transfer: a transfer to another item number is possible.


Information text.


Available quantity from the QC order


Conditions are defined in QC-inspection plan - Release.


If the order is closed the order can no longer be edited, measured values can not be changed, material can not be posted.

Posting date


Document date



If the option is enabled, the item is posted or transferred as "rejected" and warehouse determination uses "scrap" type.


See Warehouse rules

Document type

The following selections are available in the drop-down menu:

Document Type


Create Transfer to Warehouse


WebApp 2.1: "Transfer to Warehouse"

Transfer the Item from Quality Control warehouse to target warehouse

The warehouse can be for good material or scrap (Reject = active)

Create Goods Issue from current Warehouse


WebApp 2.1: "Issue"

Goods are only issued

Use this, if you can't use the material (scrap)

Change current item by another one (Issue Document + Receipt Document)


WebApp 2.1:  "Create a new item (issue and receive)

This action generates a Goods Issue document for the original item and a goods receipt for the new item.


If the new item has another Unit  if you activate the "Change quantity" in the Configuration wizard, you can define the quantity which you want to post out and which quantity you want to post in.


Define price for a receipt document

It is possible to define price for a receipt document (if a receipt is created) with the parameter "Receipt price":



Window system_option_struktur.psr


The following values are additional available:



Source Item – Actual Cost

The system reads price from the issue document of the original item.
Note: this option applies only to Quality Control.

Source Item – Price from entry

The system reads price of the last receipt document of the original item.

Note: this option applies only to Quality Control.

see Configuration wizard.

Create Purchase Return document from Current Warehouse


WebApp 2.1:  "Create goods return document"

A SAP Business One purchase return document will be generated. Warehouse will be always warehouse defined into original document. This option is only available when original document is a "Goods receipt PO" for all other kind of documents this option is not visible.

Inventory Transfer Request



WebApp 2.1: "Transfer Request"

Transfer request for an Item from Quality Control warehouse to target warehouse

The warehouse can be for good material or scrap (Reject = active)


Note: Bin-managed warehouses are NOT supported, and so these warehouses are excluded from the drop-down once this option is selected.

The option is hidden when the source warehouse is a bin located warehouse.

For each action you can select if document will be generated as "Rejected" or as a "Good" quantity


Quantity to be posted in the unit of measure.

To Quantity

Visible only if "Change current item by other one (Issue Document + Receipt Document)" document type has been selected.

Here it is possible to define the quantity for the new item. The UoM is predefined.

To Item

Visible only if "Change current item by other one (Issue Document + Receipt Document)" document type has been selected.

Here it is possible to define another item code for this item.


Selectable item version in case of an I-version-managed item.

Visible only if "Change current item by other one (Issue Document + Receipt Document)" document type has been selected.

To Warehouse

Target warehouse. Defined Warehouse rules. Visible only if "Create Transfer to Warehouse" or "Change current item by other one (Issue Document + Receipt Document)" document type has been selected. From Beas version 9.2 PL 2 it is possible to allocate to an SAP Bin warehouse. From Beas 9.3 PL03 it is possible to allocate to a WMS warehouse.


The Transfer process can be initiated from and to any of the 4 warehouse types:
Default with bin locations

SAP bin warehouse

WMS warehouse*


*Attention: Transferring from a WMS warehouse to a WMS warehouse, or between two bin locations of the same WMS warehouse, is NOT possible. For this type of transfer, use Produmex WMS.


the batch/serial number(s) to be transferred. Visible only if "Change current item by other one (Issue Document + Receipt Document)" document type has been selected.


Remarks attached to the QC order.

To bin


Also defined in Warehouse rules

Visible only if "Create Transfer to Warehouse"

or "Change current item by other one (Issue Document + Receipt Document)" document type has been selected.


Beas supports WMS,  Beas, and SAP Business One Bin Management (Beas 9.3 PL3)


The field has the following components:


Orange arrow yellow arrow:

List of all bins where the item is located.


Selection (Drop-down)

A list opens to select the desired bin location.




The selected drop-down option displays the following information in receipt documents:

Bin Location
Warehouse Area
First item in this bin location
Stock of the first item in this bin location

The list can be modified in the Configuration wizard.


The selected drop-down option displays the following information in issue documents:

All stock information of all bin locations with batch- and serial number information.




The dropdown contains information on reserved quantities in 3 columns:


The batch entry in the list is displayed in RED color if the Batch is not free.

Quantity-related information:




Available quantity is = Inventory - reserved quantity + reserved quantity for current work order position.

This quantity is displayed in GREEN, if quantity is reserved for the currently used Bill of Materials position.

Reserved for BoM

Reserved Quantity for this BoM Position

Reserved Quantity

Total reserved Quantity


Select or List - Icon

By using the selection icon, an adjustable selection list opens. Window settings and templates are supported.


The Definition of the bin location is mandatory.

If the bin location is not defined, Beas uses the default bin location for this item for the specified transaction type.

This is entirely managed by SAP Business One.


Drop-down for volume or weight is not supported. Columns are always 0.

beas 9.3 PL 2

Bin location is mandatory.
Drop-down for volume and weight not supported.

This list can be modified in the Configuration Wizard. General manipulation is possible using the stockmanagement.src file or window-related changes using Windowevent setbindropdown.


The following priorities are considered:

1.Window-related customization (windowevent setbindropown)
2.General changes (stockmanagement.src)
3.Settings in the Configuration wizard


In the e_bindropdownbsl variable, the ODATA command can be defined.

It is beneficial to use the Beas service layer, because Beas supports different warehouse systems that use different tables and logic.


The standard functions for receipt and issue are as folows:

file stockmanagement.src


function binreceiptdropdown


end function


function binissuedropdown

setvar=e_bindropdownbsl=WareHouseStock(<e_binwhscode,bsl>)?$select=BinLocation/BinCode,BinLocation/BinColor,OnHand,UoMCode,Batch,IVersionId,BatchAttribute1,BatchAttribute2,ExpirationDate&$filter=ItemCode eq <e_itemcode,bsl> and OnHand gt 0

end function


For receipt, use BinLocation.

For issue, use WareHouseStock.

For more information, see Beas Service Layer documentation.




-- file stockmanagement.src --


// BinReceipt: Show all Bin Locations, ordered by OnHand descending, BinCode ascending:

function binreceiptdropdown

setvar=e_bindropdownbsl=BinLocation(<e_binwhscode,bsl>)?$select=BinLocation/BinCode,BinLocation/BinColor,OnHand&$orderby=OnHand desc,BinLocation/BinCode asc

end function


// BinIssue: Show only Bin Locations where OnHand > 0 of the selected ItemCode, ordered by OnHand descending, BinCode ascending:

function binissuedropdown

setvar=e_bindropdownbsl=WareHouseStock(<e_binwhscode,bsl>)?$select=BinLocation/BinCode,BinLocation/BinColor,OnHand,UoMCode,Batch&$filter=ItemCode eq <e_itemcode,bsl> and OnHand gt 0&$orderby=OnHand desc, BinLocation/BinCode asc

end function


This is available only up to Beas 9.3 PL 1 – in maintenance.


This list can be modified in the Configuration Wizard. General manipulation is possible using the stockmanagement.src file or window-related changes using Windowevent setbindropdown.


The following priorities are considered:

1.Window-related customization (windowevent)
2.General changes (stockmanagement.src)
3.Settings in the Configuration wizard

Window-specific adjustments:

Call the setbindropdown user event. The dropdown:bin_from variable can be defined.



windowevent setbindropdown

setvar=e_bindropdown=ddsql=select "BINCODE" from "BEAS_WHSBIN" where "WhsCode"=<e_binwhscode,dbstring> order by "STORAGESORT"

end event


Note: This window event is supported in every window where the selection field is available.



General adjustment

Use the stockmanagement:binreceiptdropdown() fuction to store a custom drop-down configuration.


file stockmanagement.src

function binreceiptdropdown

setvar=e_bindropdown=ddsql=select "BINCODE" from "BEAS_WHSBIN" where "WhsCode"=<e_binwhscode,dbstring> order by "STORAGESORT"

end function




Define LUID number. See LUID behavior settings.


Valuation date for document (Transfer, issue

hmtoggle_plus1  Information Columns/fields in lower screen section




Transfer status

resource1 partly transferred

reservation_100 transferred completely

from warehouse

QC warehouse, from which to transfer

from bin location

from which bin location


Previously transferred yield quantity


Previously transferred scrap quantity


Previously posted quantity


Quantity to be posted


Quantity to be posted now

Note: If the SAP Business One - approval procedure is active, the quantity will not be updated. See General settings.


Stock on goods receipt warehouse


Unit if measurement

To bin location

Transfer to bin location

The selection item on the right opens the list of available bins. This window supports search and window settings.


Posting of scrap

hmtoggle_plus1  Functions




Close the transfer window


Booking is related to document type and is performed based on the parameter defined in the Configuration Wizard. See Receipt price parameter settings. See also the description of the process above.

The booking document is printed afterwards if there is a print macro "Default". See Print below.

Warehouse rules

Opens Warehouse rules window. Available in the right-click menu

All pre-assign


The good to be transferred can be pre-allocated.

All rows are pre-allocated in the required quantities for that.

Additionally the warehouse for all according rows will be set to the warehouse which has been selected to "To warehouse"


Use, if serial number related items are to be posted and the quantity is too big for manual entry.

Selected pre-assign

Pre-allocate only marked entries

Existing Documents

A "Isql" window is opened with existing generated documents related with current QC Transfer


If you create a transfer document, the Macro named "default" (if existing) is executed automatically.
The  parameter "e_docentry" and "e_docnum" is available. Separated by a comma, all created document numbers are available.
Created documents may be transfers, issues and receipts.

For further information see customized extensions.

hmtoggle_plus1  Customized extensions

The following extensions are executed:

beas 9.3 PL 3


windowevent pretransfer (for all document types)


For every created document, the system will post the following events:
Variable "e_docentry" / " e_docnum" is the reference to created document

Information of dw_2 is not deleted

It is not allowed or possible to cancel or close the running process:

windowevent transfercreated

windowevent issuecreated

windowevent receiptcreated

windowevent poreturncreated


windowevent posttransfer (for all document types)



If "pretransfer" is ended by "return failure", the process is canceled.

For posttransfer the variable "e_docentrys" is available, in which the created documents are available comma-separated (transfers, issues and receipts). The event is called up before the print.


Data connection

In the created transfer document the following information is stored:

WTR1.U_beas_basetype = QC (good quantity), QB (bad quantity)

WTR1.U_beas_basedocentry = BaseDocument.Docentry

WTR1.U_beas_baseline = BaseDocument.Linenum


The BaseDocument is goods receipt, credit note, receipt etc.
Posted items and quantites are stored in

beas_plandocument_line.docentry=<docentry>  = BEAS_QSFTHAUPT.DocEntry



Window configuration:


Details on the current entry



Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?qcorder_transfer.htm