Inspection plan Master data

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Edit QC-inspection plan

  Master data sheet

 Master data

         Measurement per




PATH: Production > Quality control > QC inspection plan > Open an entry > lower Master Data tab.


Window qs_qsartikelhaupt_edit.psr




Sample per



If a QC plan is stored with a position, the "Measurement per" option is ignored. Only one sample is ever created, and further samples can be created as needed.

Per serial number

The serial number is then displayed in window "Samples per test".

The option is ignored, if the QC-inspection plan is stored in an operation. Use the option only for serial number related items. If all conditions apply, this option has a higher priority than "Measurement per"

Samples per .. minutes

The option is only active if the QC-inspection plan is stored in an operation. The total planned time is used to calculate the number of samples.


The option "Samples per" is ignored in this case.


Per sample: Measurements are indicated per sample.

Per measurement position: registration of samples per measurement position

All: both kinds of registration are possible


Setting affects the visibility of various buttons. With "per measurement position" the button "per sample" is hidden.


See Routing – QC-inspection plan


Store an icon to be displayed in various lists.


Set up a color to mark the entry.


Release area

There the inspection plan can be released. As long as not released, it can not be selected.




Version of QC-inspection plan (for revision purposes). Only information


Can only be used, if active



If release is disabled, and the inspection plan is stored in an item, it can happen that no QC order will be created. At least one released QC inspection plan needs to be stored in the item.


See Item – Quality control


Date / Name

The employee releasing the inspection plan and the date of release.

Valid from / to


If the inspection plan is not yet valid and stored in an item, it can happen, that no QC order will be created. At least one released QC inspection plan needs to be stored in the item.


See Item – Quality control

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