QC by Test

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Optimized for Zebra Scanner

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Quality Control



With this app, users can select an open QC Order and provide the values of a testing for all samples. Only open samples are available.

See youtube QC by Sample - QC by Test - QC Transfer (WebApps 2.1) demonstration


QC Order (Header)

The QC Order tab is to identify the QC order. You can retrieve information on the item, description, quantity, released-blocked-faulty samples etc.



Field Descriptions



QC Order - filter field

Add the QC order number by typing or using a bar code scanner. Alternatively, you can click on the magnifying glass, and the "QC Order Search" window appears to select an order.

The field uses auto-completion: start typing to narrow down the search.

Note: This behavior is not available in the Filter field of the "QC Order Search" pop-up window.

Information area

QC Order

QC Order number and the day of creation

Item No

Item number


Item description


Quantity already posted or to be checked.

Open - OK - Error

- Open: Number of samples not yet released.

- OK: Number of released samples
- Error: Number of samples marked as faulty


The type of origin document the QC order was created from – work order, goods receipt etc. See document types.


Number of the origin document


Visible if the origin document is a Work order.


Click the upload QC_Attach_button button to upload image or document files as attachments to the QC Order.

Note: You may need a proper viewer on your device to open the document (especially if you are using a mobile device).


See QC Order Documents,

QC Attachment edit,

Copy QC Document settings

SAP Business One - General Settings - Path

View Batches

Button opens the Batches  information window . Here you can block or release the selected batches by tapping the Status marker like below:


Transfer: (Only available If transfer is Open). By clicking the button, the screen switches to the QC Transfer app.



In this tab you can see the different tests linked to the QC order. Select a test in which you wish to set the measurement values for all samples.
By selecting a test from the list, the app switches to the Samples tab.



Field Descriptions




Filtering field to search for tests.


Tap on this to get an overview of all fields of this tab.
As smaller hand-held devices like smart-phones are unable to provide a list of all columns in the view, you can view a full summary in the pop-up window that opens.


Type of entry: Text, Measurement, attribute.


Test position number

QC Order

Short description for the test.


Minimum acceptable value for the measurement.


Specify target value of the measurement.


Maximum acceptable value for the measurement.


Add measured value directly in the list.


The unit of measure (mm, kg, %, liter etc.) for the position


(Optional for tablets or computers)

Long description of the sample.


(Optional for tablets or computers)

You can add a test tool for the process. See Tool Administration.



In this tab you can specify the measurement value for all samples within a Test.



Field Descriptions




Filtering field to search for serials or add a sample number here. Tap the magnifying glass, type Serial number or scan bar code.


Tap here to provide additional values for a sample in a pop-up window:

Release 1 – Only available for Manual options. Dropdown menu for Release status.

Release 2 – Only available if release 1 was pressed

Blockage reason: Dropdown of blockage reason. An additional informational field is provided under the dropdown.

Valuation: Dropdown of valuation reasons to select from. An additional informational field is provided under the dropdown.

Save: Tap the button to update the sample. After updating, the released samples will not be visible in the list.

Cancel: Close the pop-up window without changes.


Sample number


Enter measurement value directly in the list view. Tap Save (or press Enter on computer) to update the value.


This first column is a status marker to show if the measured value falls in the specified range (QC_Sample_RELEASED) or fails the measurement requirements (QC_Sample_Blocked).


Serial number information

To Release

(Optional for tablets or computers)

Number of measurement positions to be released.


(Optional for tablets or computers)
Number of measurement positions marked as faulty (with blockage reason).


See Edit QC orders and Input by Sample

also see QC by Sample WebApp

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?qc_by_test.htm