Item version

Inventory > Item master > Master Data tab > Item version

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Item version controls different versions of finished goods or sub-assemblies  and helps in the phase-in or out phase-out of components.

Version control in Beas is visible in the item structure on all levels. Grayed-out materials are phase-in materials that are used for production from a specific date. Phase-out and phase-in materials are taken into account in the specific version controlled BOM (based on validity dates) and MRP is calculated accordingly.

Dedicated alert procedures can be set up in SAP Business One in order to warn procurement personnel of issued purchase orders with phase-out materials.


Example of the item version structure


Window artikel_struktur_browse.psr


Item versions (I-Version) can be stored in an item. All entries for an item are displayed in the item version list. Item versions can be edited, and documents can be stored for them.

Window settings and templates are supported.


As soon as a version entry is stored, the item administration and the release management is activated for the item. Only those version numbers are allowed to be used for the item that have been stored in the item.

For more information on management methods of item version control, see Item master, Configuration wizard.


hmtoggle_plus1Notes on item version control
Inventory management by item version is only possible for batch or serial number related items.
The order recommendation list cannot create a balance per item version, because order recommendations are computed per item.
The active version in indicated in the I-Version field of the item master data, which is used as default for the work order and order recommendation, if no other version was indicated elsewhere (e.g. in sales order).
Item version control is not supported in all areas, for example it is not available in Web Apps or Alternative Item.


youtube Realese management

baidu Release management (w4ib)





Open the details window for an item version.


Create a new item version.


Delete entry.


Duplicate the entry and create a new one with the following number. Function available only if you work with continuous numbering. (right-click and button)
When using this function, the new duplicate appears in the top of the list in this window.


Open the documents window to store documents per item version.


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