Edit warehouse master data

Inventory > Warehouse Management > Warehouse master data  > Edit warehouse master data

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Master data tab


This window is accessible via Warehouse Management as well as SAP Business One > Definitions > Warehouse > Button Extended


PATH: Inventory > Warehouse Management > Master Data > "Edit" an entry.


Window bin_whs_edit.psr





For generate new warehouses, please use


Name of the warehouse.

(Warehouse) Type

Standard warehouse

Available anywhere. Stock is available for all processes.

Blocked warehouse


Goods can be posted freely to this warehouse, stock is not available in order recommendation report and production for example allocation warehouse


Goods receipt PO and
Quality control


Goods can be posted freely to this warehouse, stock is available in order recommendation report but not in production.

Posting items to this warehouse which have a QC-inspection plan assigned, a QC-order is created automatically.

Depending on the settings a QC release can done only via transfer.
See QC-inspection plan - release

QC transfer

Allocation warehouse


Goods can be posted freely to this warehouse. Used to put goods out for production, in this case, goods are transferred from standard warehouse to allocation warehouse.

External warehouse


External warehouse for external operation.

Used for external operation - purchase order.


If a supplier is stored, a supplier related warehouse will be used.


If no supplier is stored, this will be used as general supplier-provision warehouse. If this warehouse has bin locations, one bin location will be creation per supplier.


See Summarized purchase order


commission stock


Commission stocks of a supplier See Work with commission stocks


Beas supports purchase commission stocks in the following way:


- Purchase: post in via purchase - goods receipt to purchase commission stocks (warehouse type purchase commission stocks)

- For this warehouse a supplier is stored and "Production withdrawal" was enabled

- Production - Material issue (backflushing or right-click in work order structure - material issue)
 Goods can also be selected manually from purchase commission stocks

 For goods on the commission stocks:

 1. issue from commission stocks
 2. purchase goods receipt to standard warehouse of the item
 3. issue items from standard warehouse


A goods receipt document is created, which can be used in invoice


Important: the standard warehouse may not have bin locations. For commission stocks bin locations are supported.

Goods are posted with default pricing, adaptations are possible.


Adaptations are made by beas script in file workordermanagement.src


The following function is called once before charging-off from commission stocks:

function commisionpostout

only the withdrawal price can be set up



issue with 0. Important: if continuous stocktaking is active, this can lead to problems.


The following function is called once before processing purchase goods receipt to standard warehouse. It is called per batch, per serial number, per item.


function commisionpoingetprice

Variable can be set one (not per row)


in this case in the variable "e_price" the post in price can be transferred

Example: batches are to be posted in with the price given in the field "notes"

Everything else is posted with 0


function commisionpoingetprice
// get price from plan document
select ManBtChNum from OITM where ItemCode=<e_itemcode,dbstring>
// get price and save this in plan document
if <wert1> = Y then
   select OBTN.Notes into e_price from OBTN &
      where OBTN.ItemCode=<e_itemcode,dbstring> and OBTN.DistNumber=<e_batchnum,dbstring>
end function






Working with one external bin managed warehouse for all external suppliers

if external warehouse is a bin managed warehouse, then the system can use the supplier Id as Bin Location

This is only working, if this field is empty!

Default QC warehouse

For each warehouse a goods receipt warehouse can be defined separately. This setting has a higher priority than the setting in the configuration wizard.



In advance, at least one goods receipt warehouse needs to be defined (type of the warehouse = goods receipt)

If there no warehouse is selected, setting apply according to Configuration wizard - quality control.



Configuration wizard - Quality control

Goods receipt - Field description

Default WMS Production Line

Define production line that can be linked to work orders.


Automatic assignation:
The WO position is updated automatically if this linked field is changed. See also Warehouse rules.

Reservation, Allocation

At "Production" – "Reservation" and "Production" – "Allocation" only warehouses are available, for which "Reservation" was enabled. Standard setting: Active


Pre-allocation function considers only warehouses, for which the switch was activated, even if it is the default warehouse.


See Reservation window


Production outflow

Affected functions

Production material posting

Production - backflushing

Production - external production


For issue only warehouses are displayed, which were activated here.

Default setting: active: Exception: for external warehouses it is disabled by default.


Automatic pre-allocation does not consider this option, because there, the standard warehouse determination is used.



For "manual posting" these rules are not considered.



Production - Material issue

Extended rules

Default Production inflow

If active, this is the default warehouse for receipt from production.

If a warehouse is defined as receipt warehouse, every assembly which is posted in (backflushing, posting with last time receipt, etc.) will be posted to this warehouse. Only one production receipt warehouse can be defined. If no warehouse is defined as standard receipt warehouse, the warehouse defined in item or work order is used.  Settings accessible also via Configuration wizard

Bin location management

This checkbox is only available, if


- the beas bin management is activated or

- SAP- and WMS- Bin management not activated

It is not possible to activate beas and sap / wms bin mangement in same time.


In case of activation, further parameters are entered. Furthermore, warehouse areas and bin locations must be defined. See Warehouse are, Bin location



Please use SAP Bin Management or WMS Bin Management.

Beas Bin Management is only available for compatibility reasons.


There are two possibilities


1. First, issue everything, then define bin locations and post-in again by using the function Inventory - initial stocktaking

Disadvantage: no batch tracing, Pricing may be incorrect, Differences on various accounts.


2. In case of activation, a bin location is queried. Then, this bin is immediately created and all goods are posted on this bin location. Using the inventory function, a bin location correction can be performed, which does not lead to material issue or transfer.

Deactivation is using right-click - "disable bin location management" is possible. See below right-click menu.

Default variant

If in batch-Precalculation "Price per warehouse" - "Variants per warehouse" is set up, referring to the warehouse to be calculated, the stored variant is used. The option is only displayed, if in Basis-Initialization "Price per warehouse" was set up.


Additionally, a default variant can be stored, which is used at the creation of a work order or in case of changing  the receipt warehouse.

See Batch-calculation


Specifies the length (meters) of the storage area (only for visualization if beas bin management is activated).


Specifies the width (meters) of the storage area (only for visualization if beas bin management is activated).


Defines the background color for visualizing the storage area.


Select an image






Open SAP Business One warehouse master where additional Beas features are available via right-click.

Extended:           Open extended Beas warehouse window

List:                    Open list of all warehouses

Inventory list:       Open inventory list ( only bin location warehouses)

Open documents Open window "bin locations" - "open documents"


Note: The "Drop-ship" SAP function is not supported in Beas Manufacturing.


Right-click menu




Same function as the button (see above).

Change log

Open protocol.


Open Beas error messages.

Deactivate bin location management

Only displayed when dealing with a bin location warehouse. After a security query the following happens:

a)     an entry to the protocol is created

b)     all bin location stock is deleted

c)     all bin transaction protocols are deleted

d)     all data for wight and volume is reset

e)      bin location management is disabled


Attention: Subsequent activation is possible, but the bin locations and stock needs to be restored manually.


If the selected warehouse has bin locations, additional tabs are displayed


Storage area

Definition of storage areas

Below: Definition of bin locations


Storage areas

Bin location list



Scripts for extended visualization


extended visualization


back to Warehouse master data

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?lagerstammdaten_bearbeiten.htm