Bill of Materials Price

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In this window the price and additional information related to a Bill of materials position can be defined.



Window pk_material.psr




Purchase price

Determined at the moment of calculation according to the defined pricing. Prices in other currencies are converted to home currency. If pricing returns 0, a second pricing can be stored.

See Configuration wizard – Material pricing

If a scale price is stored, it has a higher priority.

See Material scale prices

If special price lists are taken into account and a supplier was selected, they have a higher priority.

See Configuration wizard – Special price lists

Blanket agreements are considered, if

a) Agreement type is "specific" and confirmed,

b) Special price lists are considered,

c) In Configuration wizard consideration of blanket agreements was enabled .

See Configuration wizard Calculation Precalculation.

If "price per warehouse" was defined in the basic initialization, and "item valuation method" was selected for pricing, the following priority rule applies:

1. warehouse as per BOM item.

2. warehouse as in calculation (see header).

3. default warehouse of the item.

Note: Beas does not support SAP Business One Measurements Unit Groups.

Beas reads a price from a price list or special price list only if Item-Pricing Unit, Item-UoM Code and Pricelist UoM Code are the same.



Prices are determined at the moment of calculation and they are not changed anymore. This makes a manual correction possible. You can nevertheless change the pricing subsequently and read in the prices again: See Precalculation controls – valuation.

Negative BOM items have a different pricing, which can be set up.

Configuration wizard Material pricing negative BOM.

Sales price



Select supplier from the dropdown list.

Blanket agreement

Link to blanket agreement.

Scale quantity

The system also displays the UoM, in which you have to define the Scale quantity. See image on top.

The Unit is always the Inventory UoM of this Material.




Free information field.

Additional text

Free text field.

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