Measurement samples

Production > Quality control > Quality control orders > Edit QC orders > Input per sample > Measurement samples

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In this window all measured values can be entered for a Sample.

Window is dynamically adjustable. UDF and Templates can be stored. The authorization for QC-order is required.


PATH: Production > Quality Control > Samples > select an entry > Samples button > double-click/Open an entry.


Window qs_qsftpos_edit.psr


After all measured values have been registered, in the sample "release 1" is set to status "released". Depending on the settings, a second release follows, "Release 2", a "batch release", a release of the QC-order or the QC order may be automatically closed. See QC-inspection plan – Release.


hmtoggle_plus1Definition "Sample ok"

A sample can consist of several measurement positions.

A sample is considered "OK", if
- "OK" and "Release" are active for all relevant measurement positions,

- No blockage reason was stored for no measurement position causing "Block release",

- Samples have been set manually to "released",

- "Release 2" was activated.

hmtoggle_plus1Definition "Sample blocked"

A sample is blocked, if
- the sample was set to "manually blocked",

- in all measurement positions blockage reasons are stored, in which the ID "Block release" is active.


There is no automatic blockage of a sample only due to measurements outside the allowed range.


Configuration of the window:

Measurement positions list

Register measured values




Quality control orders

 Quality control order - Item master - Quality control - QC-inspection plan

         Register per sample

                 Register measurement position

                         Edit measurement position

         Register per test

                 Register measured values for all samples




Measurement positions list




Number of measurement.


Test title.

Method description

Description of method.


Allowed minimum.


Allowed maximum.


Target value.


Unit of measurement.


Sample ID.

Measurement value

Enter the current value or text.


check mark, if OK or manually, without entering a value.


Release measurement position?


check mark, if relevant for release.

Blockage reason ID

Blockage ID. With right-click a blockage reason can be selected. if a valid ID is entered, the blockage reason is filled automatically. Any value can be entered as ID, due to downward compatibility, there is no check .

Blockage reason

Description of blockage reason. ( Remark).


Additional fields can be displayed using window settings.


Register measuring values

Measured values and attributes can be registered. Blockage reason, valuation and up to 4 additional fields.



Enter data on the lower part of the window. Use Cursor up / down and ENTER to jump in the list to the next or previous position.


hmtoggle_plus1Graphical display of measured values


In the entry area measurement value registration is visualized, similar to scales – see image above. The minimum value is indicated on the left, and the maximum value is displayed on the right. Once, set, the target value appears between them.

In the red-green bar the value is visualized: Green area = OK, red area = faulty.

The rectangle above shows the current measuring value. If green, the value is within range, if red, it is outside the set range.


The graphic is hidden for texts and attributes. Also, if no minimum or maximum values are given, the graphic is hidden.



Measured value

If the value fits the target (between minimum and maximum), the field is set to "OK". If the Four-eyes principle is disabled, the measurement position is released immediately.


Additionally, in measurement position is stored the employee, the work station and time and date at which the values were registered.


If a measured value is entered between maximum and minimum, OK is set automatically. If the value is outside the allowed range, the field OK is disabled.


In QC-inspection plan - Measurement position you can store, whether it is possible to set "OK" manually



Registering attributes ( = no default range of values) the field "OK" is changed manually.


Special case:

If minimum and maximum values = 0, this will be interpreted as if no values were set. The maximum value is then 99999, any numeric positive entry will lead to "OK".



The measurement position can only be released if "OK" is active.


If in QC-inspection plan the setting "Disable additional release" is enabled, setting the OK field, release is automatically enabled.


Following the Four-eyes principle a second user can release the measurement position. The user, who entered the measured value may not release the measurement position.



The Four-eyes principle was disabled in the inspection plan. In this case, the measurement position is released automatically, after marked as "OK".


Release not possible:


- If a blockage reason was stored, which prevents from release. See Blockage reasons.

- Sample has been released already (Release 2).

- QC-order has been closed already.

- The current user registered the measuring value (Four-eyes principle).

Blockage reason

For each measurement position a blockage reason can be stored.


Enter the possible blockage reasons.

You can only select blockage reasons that match the QC-inspection plan group or have no entry in the group and they need to be visible in the respective area (Order, sample, measurement).

Blockage reasons may have further effect.

See Blockage reasons

After selecting a blockage reason "OK" will be disabled if "Block release" was activated in the blockage reason.


If a measured value or an attribute has already been stored, the entry is checked and if necessary, "OK" is set again.


Valuation reasons are setup under Valuation


You can only select valuation reasons which match the QC-inspection plan group or which have no entry there. Furthermore, they need to be visible in the respective area (Order, sample, measurement).


UDF1 ... UDF4

Free definable fields are set up in Configuration wizard.







Before saving, it is checked if the sample may be released.

The complete release process is performed as defined in Inspection plan - Release.


Open the Documents screen, in which linked documents are displayed


Create new or change a measurement position. Button is visible only if the user has the authority Change QC order. In Terminal-Mode this function is not available.


See Edit measurement position

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