Beas Bin Management

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Integrated Beas bin location management can manage different types of warehouses.

Note: For new installation use SAP Bin management.


Warehouses can be defined in a detailed store structure:




         Warehouse Area

             Bin location






Each warehouse can be subdivided into free definable areas. Size and configuration, as well as colors, can be selected for visualization.


document-powerpoint Training unit Bin location management

youtube Beas warehouses - choose bincode


An inventory location is unique per store, but it is permanently assigned to a storage area. An inventory location can consist of 1–3 dimensions, e.g. Row or level+row or level+row+compartment.

The dimensions can be defined freely. With inventory management the following structure can be displayed:



   Warehouse Location

        Bin location

             Batch/series number




or for a simple items



   Warehouse Location

       Bin location



RFID is another user-definable ID (e.g. an RFID chip).This is deactivated by default, but can be activated using Options / Material Management.


Inventory movement log:

In addition to the standard SAP Business One movement log, a movement log is kept in parallel per inventory location for inventory location-managed inventory locations.


Integration in Beas

In Beas, bin location management is fully integrated. The selection of the affected warehouses is made before the posting. Furthermore, in many posting windows bins are presented with graphical visualization if such information was stored before.


Activating bin location management for a warehouse

A subsequent activation of bin location management is possible only when the material is charged off and posted thereafter to bin locations.


Inventory / Initial inventory

The first version of Beas inventory location management does not yet include a separate inventory function.

If the inventory is performed via SAP Business One, the entry document generated by the inventory is available under Materials Management - Bin Location Management - Open Documents. This can be used to perform bin location allocations.


When using bin location warehouses, it is imperative that you work with the Beas inventory and not with the SAP Business One - Inventory function. The Beas inventory offers initial stocktaking, annual inventory count and regular inventory. An integrated correction program simplifies inventory management. For more information see Inventory.



Negative stock is not managed and can lead to errors ! Although negative stock is allowed in SAP Business One we strongly recommend to deactivate this function in SAP Business One.



Mobile registration

Beas bin location management is fully supported by Beas WebApps.


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