
Sales - AR > Precalculation > Edit Precalculation > Operation > General

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In this tab you can perform general settings for an operation position in Precalculation.

PATH: Sales A/R > Precalculation > Open Precalculation > "Create Operation" function > General tab


Window pk_arbplanos.psr





Setup time Precalculation

The setup time in hours or minutes is taken into account in production and costing analysis as well as in Precalculation.



Designation can be changed in Configuration wizard – Resource – Definition Time types.


Precalculation and Lot size

Setup time is computed per calculation lot size.

Lot size 10, setup time=5 minutes, calculated: 19 pieces
Result: total setup time 10 minutes or 0,52 per piece

If a subassembly has its own calculation lot size, it will be taken into account. See Precalculation – View and lot size.


Production and lot size

If a work order is created automatically (e.g. via order recommendation report or sales order to work order, a separate work order position per item-lot size is created. The setup time indicated here refers to the lot size in item master.


Separate reporting of setup times

If "Extend to cost elements" was set to 2 or more in the Resource, the setup time can be reported separately via FDC and evaluated separately in calculation. Enter the cost element to which the accrued costs will be posted.

Setup time Capacity

The set-up for scheduled capacity in hours or minutes is considered in capacity planning and throughput time calculation.

This setting has an effect on calculation of target time.

Labor costs on cost type

The field designation can be changed in Configuration wizard > Master Data > Resources > Time types or via Ctrl+ double-click in the text field.


Times are specified in units "Times in ..." (hour/minute) and refer to "Times per .. " finished parts taking account of the utility and work steps in units of usage of the assembly.

The Cost Element field specifies the cost element for which the planned or accumulated costs should be totaled, facilitating detailed analysis.


Tools that determine the throughput time and also alternative operations can only influence the job time (processing time).


Computation of planned time.


Secondary, main time

In addition to the job time, two other secondary processing times can be specified if "Extend to cost element" is set to 3 or 4 in the resource. The secondary processing times are designated in Configuration Wizard or via Ctrl+Double click in the text field.

See Concept Time types.

Quantity per Time

Enter to which assembly quantity (Production UoM) the time refers to. Thus you can indicate even short lead times correctly.

Lead time 0,0001 minutes per piece
To make it more readable, you can enter

1 minute per 10000 pieces

If it is a fixed time, enter 0 at "quantity per", that means this time is needed only once per lot size. Same effect as for setup time.



Lot size 10
Production 50 pieces

Time = 2 Minutes per 0

Total time: 5 lot sizes a` 2 minutes = 10 minutes


Fix Quantity: Quantity per Time = 0

This means you need the time per lotsize

Example: 3 Minute per 0, you produce 100 Pcs.

The System calculates 3 Minutes for all 100 Pcs.

For additional information on lot sizes see Precalculation – Display and lot sizes.

Time Unit

Unit of time in which times are stored – hours or minutes. The default can be stored in the options.

Resource Allocation

Determines the utilization of the available resource capacity.


See Default Calculation type: Reallocate forward.







Number of resources used (subject to the prerequisite that the resource exists more than once, e.g. if the resource is a group of persons. Where 2 is input for 5 persons, the resource of 2 persons is scheduled at most.


If this is not 1, the system uses the calculation method Exploit Full capacity for this routing position.


Percentage utilization of the resource.

Example 1: Group of 6 persons. At a utilization of 50% the resource of 3 persons is used at most.

Example 2: Machine which is only partly utilized. To extend the throughput time, a lower utilization can be specified here. If 20% is specified, throughput time is quadrupled while costs remain the same.


If this is not 100%, the system uses the calculation method Exploit Full capacity for this routing position.


Default setting: For "Simple", only one resource is 100% utilized.



For Detailed planning (i.e. a resource should be planned to the minute) the option must be set to "Simple".

Operation active

You can set here whether the operation should be included. Apart from Yes/No, a condition is also possible, such as production quantity greater, in between or smaller than a specification defined here. Example: The operation in which a small machine has been defined should only be used when the production quantity is smaller than 30. If it is greater, an operation should be used in which a large machine with a respectively higher set-up time but smaller mach+labor time is stored.

Quantities refer to "per units of usage" of assembly.


Note: This switch is only visible if in the Configuration wizard – Routing – Operation field show is activated.


In operation catalog this field is not available.

In routing it can be set up depending on the quantity:


Yes: Always active.
No: Not active.
Quantity bigger: Only active if quantity exceeds the given value.
Quantity smaller: Only active quantity falls below the given value.
Quantity between: Only active if the quantity is between two given values.


Thus you can activate a routing depending on the quantity.



Depending on the quantity, a certain resource is to be used.


until 10 kg (active quantity < 10 kg): Resource "small bowl", planned duration: 10 minutes
from 10 kg (active quantity > 10 kg): Resource "big bowl", planned duration: 20 minutes


Field description

The value is saved in aktivformel with the following configuration

G = "Quantity bigger"

K = "Quantity smaller"
Z = "Quantity between"
N = "Not active"
J = "Active" (Default)

If the field is empty, the entry is treated as active.

Example: Only active for quantity between 10 and 20 "Z=10=20"


Only the following values may be returned here if a formula has been stored via the embim6 – icon: Y for "Active" or N "Not active". "bigger", "smaller" or "between" are not allowed via the formula system.


Generate Work order

By defining value "N" in the formula, the system does not insert the routing position in the Work order. This is to be activated in Configuration wizard > Production > Create > Apply inactive work order sequence.


Generate Precalculation


In Precalculation the system always transfers inactive routing positions. (beas 9.3 PL 2)


Generate new Item (Product Configurator)


By defining the value "N" in the formula, the system does not insert the routing position in the Work order. This is to be activated in Configuration wizard > Production > Product Configurator > Apply inactive work order sequence (beas 9.3 PL 2)

Active field as Script


If you click in field Pos on   embim6 – icon, you can define all fields with



If you want to disable a routing position, use the following script:

With beas 2020.02 the Variable "e_aktivformel" is not supported.

In Precalculation there is an active-field and an "only if quantity" .... The second field has the same meaning as in routing. The operation is only active if the condition is met.

Only active routing positions are transferred to the work order. If you make a selection in the Configuration wizard to accept inactive routing positions as well, these will be transferred to the work order, and deactivated.
You cannot log on to these operations and they do not cause time demand.


This switch can be disabled manually.

Valid Period

In Precalculation Operation: Select the From - To dates of a validity period.

Use factor

If several parts are produced with only one work step, the use factor is higher than 1.



Cut a plate with a saw
Duration: 1 minute

Result: 2 plates, per 1 plate, only 30 seconds are required.

Use factor in this case:2


Example 2:

Injection molding with 12 nozzles. One process creates 12 parts, the use factor is 12 in this case.


See Calculation of planned time.

Work steps

Works opposite to the use factor.

If several steps are needed to finish one part you can enter the number here


Tighten 10 screws. Per screw, 15 seconds are needed.


Piece time is 15 seconds
Work steps 10
Total time 15 * 10 seconds = 150 seconds


See Calculation of planned time

Idle Time

in which the semi-finished part must not be further processed, e.g. drying time, cooling etc.

|--- Transfer time --| |-- Planned time --| |--- Idle time---|

The resource is available at this time for other orders. There are no arising costs .


Forward Scheduling: The next sequence of operations can begin only after the idle period. The idle time should not be used for the extension of lead times. It is recommended to use transit time (see resources).


By default, factory calendar and resource calendar are not considered. These can be taken into consideration by changing the settings in the Configuration wizard.


Overlap Limit

By using overlap settings, you can define the delay for the subsequent work sequence or define to start it in parallel.

Unlike parallel resources, the subsequent work sequence can be moved freely.


You can define the overlap limit in Routing position > Overlap limit.

Choose "Parallel", "No" or insert the number of hours/minutes manually.

If this is defined in Position 10, the next position will be parallel.

This means: "Clocking mandatory" must be disabled, because you can start with Position 20 before closing Position 10.



Window fert_arbplanos_edit.psr


In Item Structure view you can see parallel / overlap limit information in this way:

In this example in Position 10 the "Overlap limit" is defined:




Overlap calculation runs correctly only with forward calculation.





No overlap.



The earliest start date of the following operation can be the same as the first one or the next possible start.
The next possible start may also be earlier than the one of the previous operation.

Example 1 :

Pos 1  is defined as parallel, so Pos 2 can start parallel to Pos 1



View in Beas

Start of 3. routing position is after the end of the latest parallel routing position.


Example 2:

Pos 2 needs less time than Pos 1.


View in Beas


Start of next routing position is always after the end of the latest parallel routing position.


Example 3:

Scenario: Position 3 is parallel to Position 2, but after Position1 finishes, resource for Pos 2 is not available.
For example Resource is reserved by another work order.

If the resource is not available immediately, the routing position starts at the next available time.

In this example, the position 3 can start BEFORE the first position:




Example 4:

Scenario: 2 work order positions. Both WOs have defined the 2. operation as parallel. Start date is same.

First operation has different resource, but the second parallel operation has same resource for both WOs.


Explanation: The parallel resource uses the start date, on which the resource is free. For the first WO this is the time when operation 1 starts.

In the second work order position you see that the start date of second operation does not start together with the first operation.

The reason is that WO 1 already occupies the resource. So the second operation of WO can only start after the operation 2 of WO 1 stopped.

In that case the the second operation does not start parallel but delayed:




You can set parallel-defined operations to always run in parallel in the Configuration wizard.


Result  with setting "Overlap limit = fix"

Start date of Pos 40 on Resource i1001-1 start later, because the next resource i1004 is not available before.


See youtube APS fix parallel routing positions

The backward calculation cannot calculate the correct start date. It is only capable of calculating the duration.

Parallel resource: The system calculates the following:


If duration of Pos 2 is less than that of Pos 3, then Pos 1 ends with the start of Pos 2.


In this case the system is working different from forward calculation.

If you work with backward calculation, the first parallel position must have the longest duration.

Parallel resource:

- is always parallel - 100 %

- Parallel resource have always same start / end time

- Use Parallel resource, if you don't need this resource 100%

  (Example: A worker is the "parallel resource", but is working on 4 machines in parallel. In this case he must invest only 25% for his time for this operation)


Parallel Operation:

- is not always parallel. Only if the resource of parallel operation is available

- can have different work time

- can work with resource optimization

- can have own parallel resource, tools and so on

> 0


The Overlap time define, when the next operation can be started. The time, which you  define, is the delay in  hours/minutes, until the

next operation starts.

The defined time is the earliest time.


2 hours means, the next operation can start

- 2 hours after start current operation or after end of this current operation (if the current operation is less than 2 hours)

- if resource of next operation is not available after 2 hours, then at the time, when the resource is available.



In this scenario the start date of the third routing position is the real start date of the second routing position + defined overlapping time in hours,

here  1 hour.




An overlap is specified in hours – based on a 24-hour day. The specified overlap always applies to the following routing position.

The overlap time is not bound to a resource calendar. This is purely hour-based time excluding time reservations or other factors.

The overlap time begins AFTER the transit time. The next routing position cannot possess a transfer time, otherwise it will be appended to the transfer time.




Scenario: 2 Work orders, same routing plan. In first operation different resources. Overlap limit = 0.5 hours

First work order: Position 20 start 0.5 hours after start of position 10

Second work order: Position 20 start later, because the time is reserved from first work order



If you want, that the overlap have always exact the same overlap time, a setting is available. See Configuration wizard


Scenario: Work time of second work order position is less than the work time of the first operation.
In the first operation, overlap time is defined:


In this case you're ready with second routing position before you're ready with first routing position. But you can start with third routing position only, if all parallel / overlapped routing positions are done. In this case after end of Routing position 10.


In a simple example the result of backward calculation is same as forward calculation
Example: Work time 1 hour, overlap 0.5 hour in first operation



But is the duration of second operation is not same as first operation, then the result is different to forward calculation:

The system calculate backward: First 30, then 20 - from 20 the overlap is calculated (Start time from Operation 20 + Overlap time from Operation 10 = End time from Operation 10.



Alternative for backward calculation is "forward late as possible"



The backward calculation cannot calculate the correct start date. It is only capable of calculating the duration.




The last operation corresponds to the last "reportable operation".

If an overlap is also configured in the last operation, <%PROGRAMNAME%> does not recognize this as the last operation.

However, the automatic assembly receipt or adjustment of the backflushed material depends on this.



Overlapping using assemblies

Assemblies can also overlap in an order-related structure.


        |- Main assembly -|

|--- Subassembly -|


Start date of the main group is normally the end date of the last routing position of the subassembly. If this last routing position has an overlap, this is also considered.

Important: If an overlap is entered in the last routing position, it is no longer recognized as the "last routing position" in the backflushed posting transactions.

Scrap Factor

In this field an additional Scrap factor on routing position level can be defined.


This is calculated as (Mach+Labor) / 100 * Scap Factor



Production 8 Pcs

Setup Time = 60 Minute

Labor Time = 10 Minute

Scrap Factor = 5 %



Total Time = 60 + (8 * 10) + (8 * 10 : 100 * 5) = 144 Min.


QC Inspection Plan

If a QC-inspection plan is stored,  – depending on the settings – a QC order will be created. See Configuration wizard


Measured values can be registered via QC-order, Terminal or WEB-Apps.


If respective rules are defined, the release of the next operation may depend on that. See Configuration wizard – FDC – login rules



QC-inspection plan

Quality control order

Number of Pay Slips

Information field – if applicable, for information on number or pay slip printouts.

Expand to Cost Elements

In Precalculation Operation:

Select the number of cost rates. The default is one cost element (processing time), which can represent a mixed calculation of machinery and personnel costs. Select the number of cost elements you are to use in Precalculation, update the window, and the selected cost elements appear in the Costs tab.

See more details in Costs.

Value Labor costs separately

In Precalculation Operation:

If this option is activated, a separate cost rate can be stored for personnel costs and the "Labor cost rate" field appears in the Cost tab.
See also Costs.


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