General tab

Production > Resources > Edit resource > General tab

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The fields of the General tab are described below.


PATH: Resources > Resource Master Data.


PATH: Resources > Resources.


Window stamm_arbplatz_edit.psr




Type of resource

Select from deposited resource types. This is only for information and has no additional functionality.


Where is the resource located? Locations according to Administration > Warehouse administration > Locations.


Branch where the resource is located.

Service / register costs

If this option is activated and the resource is selected in a routing position, it is an external operation.

-Time receipt: In addition to time, a pure cost field is available which can be used to input external production costs directly.
-Purchase Order: A purchase order can be generated for the routing position. Further fields such as Supplier, Individual Price, Item, etc. are available in the routing position.

Resources of the "External processing" type are not normally subject to capacity planning (deactivate capacity planning), but planning as for normal resources is possible, i.e. a resource such as this can be used, planned and reported like a "normal" resource.

For other handling of external operations or external processing, see External Operations.

Employee planner

Defines the person responsible for planning capacities (APS).

Capacity planning

Determines whether the resource should be scheduled. If this option is activated, the "Planning" tab is displayed and further values can be stored in the area of scheduling. If the option is deactivated, there is no schedule planning, the routing position with this resource is not considered in APS.

Pool limit in hrs.

If working with pool management, the maximum number of hours is entered per pool. If there is no hour limit, a 0 is entered.

See Pool

Transit time in days

Entered transit time is always the transit time to the next operation.

Transit time can be

- Transportation time from one to another place

- Drying time

- Expand lead times. In this way, urgent work orders can be squeezed in by reducing transit times in APS-calculation types or Priorities



Step 1 is machine a, Step 2 is machine B

When the employee is finished with Step 1, he returns the goods to a collection point.

Later, the next employee collects the goods from the collection point and starts with step 2.

This time in between is an average transit time.


The transit time is always the time from preview operation to next operation and is defined in the resource from preview operation.

Transit time is entered in days.

Resource calendar is not taken into account. The factory calendar is considered only if this was enabled in the Configuration wizard.

Minimum transit time is entered: Configuration wizard – Master data – Resources.


Configuration of operation sequence:

|--- Transit time --| |-- Planned time --| |--- Idle time--|


First operation has no transit time.
Example with 2 operations:


Plan time operation 1

Idle time operation 1

Transit time of resource of operation 1

Plan time operation 2

Idle time operation 2


Resource-related transit time

It is possible to define different transit times to the next resource.

Example : 1 day to Resource A and 2 days to Resource B.

Click on yellow arrow in field "Transit time". In this window it is possible to insert the target resources with the resource related transfer time.





Transit time can be used to expand lead times. In this way, urgent work orders can be squeezed in by reducing transit times in APS-calculation types or Priorities


You have transit time 0.5 days

With forward calculation you see: It is not possible to deliver it to the planned delivery date

Now it's possible to decrease the Transit time in APS-calculation types or Priorities





In case of overlapping, always the largest transit time is used. The factory calendar is considered only if this was enabled in Configuration wizard.

See Parallel Operation and Overlapping


Operation sequences 1,2 and 3 are parallel: 2 hours each, A2 has a transit time of 2 hours.

Operation 4 is normal with 2 hours duration


A1        Start 8:00 - 12:00

A2        Start 8:00 - 12:00

A3        Start 8:00 - 12:00

Idle time A2: 12:00 - 14:00

A4        Start 14:00 - 16:00



The system works with internal cache. If you change the transit time per target resource, you must reopen the APS Graphical view.


Factory calendar

Efficiency Rate %

In this way, the planning time can be influenced by the resource.

Ratio between planned time and actual time: by entering an efficiency rate you can manipulate the planned time via the resource.



You have 2 milling cutters.

A modern, powerful machine + an old, slow machine.



With the Efficiency rate you can define the duration.

Defined duration is for powerful machine, example 50 Minutes. Efficiency Rate = 100%. Total = 50min.

If you must use the old machine, then you can define another Efficiency Rate, for example 80%. Total = 62.50min



Planned duration *100 : Efficiency Rate

50 Minutes *100 : 80% = 62.50 Minutes


youtube Work with Efficiency Rate


see Concept Scrap


Single operator per op.sequence

If enabled, only one employee may log in to the operation sequence to which the resource has been assigned. That means several orders may be registered to that resource, but only one employee can work per operation sequence.

Work order grouping

Determines whether several operations may be processed at once on that resource.

Several orders can be processed at once on that resource.

Multiple orders can be processed in parallel on this resource. The option is activated by default. This is only considered in the new FDC > Open Work Order or in Pool list with multiple selection.


If an order was already registered on a machine (Resource), a second one cannot be registered. In the login window a sign "no entry" is displayed on the resource selection page.

If work order grouping is to be disabled in general, enter the following statement:


Set Same Start and Finish Date

Only visible if work order grouping has been activated.

If several work orders are registered in the resource by one person, the same start and end date is set for all work orders at logout, and all are displayed in a list.

Standard parallel time calculation is disabled. The entire lead time is distributed to the time receipts.

See Order logout Start/End date


If active, (default) the resource can be selected.
If disabled, the resource is no more available for selection.


In this case, you can still use the resource. In existing master data and work orders the resource needs to be replaced manually, if necessary.

APS-Optimization continues to use this resource, as long as it is stored in resource groups. This switch is no blocking flag.


Time receipt not split

Option is visible only if you set up parallel times in the Configuration wizard . Only to be calculated proportionately.



A user logs in to two resources in parallel and logs out after one hour. In this case each operation receives 30 minutes.


You can now set up to ignore one resource from the parallel calculation.



Resource A+B consider parallel calculation, for resource C the option  "Time receipt not split" has been activated. Operations are registered for all 3 resources in parallel for one hour.

As a result, resources A+B receive 30 minutes each, resource C receives 60 minutes.



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