Time Types

Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Master data > Resource > Time Types

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PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Master data > Resource > Time Types.

For each operation, up to 4 time types can be stored which can be valued with a proprietary cost rate, and to which feedback on costs and times can be reported separately.

The time types are fixed, but their names and behavior can be changed here.








Setup time type with corresponding behavior in valuation and calculation. May only be used for setup purposes.


Editing time (machine time/unit).

This corresponds to the main editing time, which is always active.


Secondary time/unit 1 for free use See Secondary time


Secondary time/unit 2 for free use See Secondary time


In Personnel master - FDC you can set up which time types the employee can select at Work order logon


See Time types - Administrate times


Description field for the catego.ry


Displayed in routing position, operation



Enter the designation in German – it will be translated to other languages. Entries without available translations will be displayed as entered.


When creating a new database, the selected database language is used as default.


See Rounding

Yield Quantity

If not allowed, an error message pops up upon inserting a quantity.


(AE_checkqty) At the time type <name of time type>  "no Yield Quantity" must be specified. Set value to 0 (See Setup Wizard > Master Data > resources > time types)

Scrap Quantity


If not allowed, an error message pops up upon inserting a quantity


(AE_checkqty) At the time type <name of time type> "no Yield Quantity" must be specified . Set value to 0 (See Setup Wizard > Master Data > resources > time types)

Post Assembly

Should it be posted in the finished part when creating a time receipt for this time type, according to the settings (e.g. last operation)?

Post Material

Should the material belonging to the routing position be backflushed in case of a time receipt for this time type?

Position Closeable

Should it be permitted to close the routing position if doing a time receipt for this time type? See Order time - Logoff

Release next work sequence

Should the next work sequence be released after time receipt for this time type? (Example: the following work sequence may not be released after setup)



See: concepts time types

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?zeittypen.htm