Capacity Planning

Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Production > Capacity Planning

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PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Production.



Activate Capacity planning

If this option will be activated, all following options and all capacity-calculation functions will be activated in the program .


If this function is deactivated, new created work orders will not be scheduled backwards. In the Work Order structure view all related functions (Pool calculation) will be hidden.

Default calculation method

Changing a work order, times are automatically re-calculated. Here, you can define to define the method.


With backwards calculation starting from delivery date, the start date of the work order is calculated.


Required times are reserved. Existing reservation are not considered.

The time of day of production end is not considered.

(Default setting)


Item lead time

The item lead time (in work days) is used.

Start date = delivery date - lead time (work days).

All work orders get the start date and the delivery date as end date. Time of day is not considered. Use this method if in operations no times are stored.


Note: With this setting, no dispatches are displayed in resource overview.


Consideration of validity date in BOM positions and routings:


A validity period can be stored in the BOM position and routing position. If "Item lead time" is activated, the date of completion will be used as check date. Otherwise the delivery date will be used as reference date.


See BOM – Validity period

(beas 9.1 PL: 08).


Additional calculation methods are supported, but these are available only in APS module.


beas9.0-004-046-000 calcstdmtd 0=Backwards calculation, 1=Item duration time


Click on the "Edit Priorities" button to configure the priorities

Production Start from time

Example: planned start is March 3rd, 8:00. Forward scheduling calculates starting with March 3rd, 8:00. This setting is only considered by forward scheduling.



This settings has no further effect, it does not determine a shifts end. The shift is determined or calculated in the resource.



Resource – Scheduling – Planned capacity

Resource shift schedule

Production End till time

Example, scheduled completion date is March 13rd, 15:00. The backward scheduling calculates starting with March 3rd, 15:00.



This settings has no further effect, it does not determine a shifts end. The shift is determined or calculated in the resource.



Resource – Scheduling – Planned capacity

Resource shift schedule

Consider factory calendar for transit time


The resource calendar is not considered. Independent of the available time, the resource calendar always has a time slot of 24 hours. By default, option is disabled.


Resource – Transit time

Concept transit time and idle time

beas9.0-000-003-006, kapahandovertimecal (N)

Consider factory calendar for idle time

If enabled, calculating idle time, the factory calendar (basis calendar) is considered.


The resource calendar is not considered. Independent of the available time, the resource calendar always has a time slot of 24 hours. By default, option is disabled.


Routing – Idle time

Resource – Transit time

beas9.0-000-003-006, kapalaytimecal (N)

Activate pool administration

Enable: Pool management is available to control the sequence in which operations are processed.

Disabled: Pool management and pool list are not available.

Pool calculation multiplier

A factor can be set in the production priorities.

This factor is multiplied by the number of days defined here. The value is used to "age" a position, allowing its priority to increase.



Introduction Pooling

Function Pooling, Scheduling


Overlap limit fix (only Forward Scheduling)

This setting is related to Overlap function

If checked, the overlapping time is fixed. Therefore, the subsequent operation will start exactly at the defined time.

Normally, if an overlapping time is defined in an operation, the subsequent operation can start after the defined time. It can also start later if the resource is not available at this time.
This behavior can be changed with the "limit fix" global setting. In this sense, the system will find a starting time for the two operations where the starting of the 2nd operation exactly corresponds with the defined overlapping.


Do the following setting in the Configuration wizard: activate "Overlap limit fix" (only Forward Scheduling):

Window system_option_struktur.psr


Example for Planning:

The WO used in the Gantt viewer below:

Window fert_struktur_browse.psr


The settings in routing:
routing settings
Window fert_arbplanos_edit.psr


routing positions


Comparison of the two results: without and with the Overlap limit fix settings:

1) Overlapping not fixed (the default behavior):



2. Overlapping set to fixed:




Limitation: Max. 2 parallel / overlapped operations

Two consecutive operations are not allowed. This means that if overlapping is defined for an operation, the next operation cannot overlap.

The second following operation may be overlapped again.







Note: Not possible with same resource

It is not possible to use same resource in parallel / overlapped operation. In this case the system ignore the overlap / parallel setting

Pos 10 use Resource a, Overlap =1,

Pos 20 use same Resource a
In this case the system ignore the Overlap information.


Activate APS

This setting activates APS and disables MS Project support.

Overwrite planning indicator

Scheduling options in beas, if work orders are marked as planned. Choice: Yes / Yes, after query / No

Additional information see Work order.

Pool list: shown only planned WO

If the option is activated only work orders which are set to planned are displayed in the pool list.

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