Routing position

Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Master data > Routing > Routing position

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PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Master data > Routing > Routing Position.



Quantity per time

Default 1: Determines to which assembly quantity the time specifications refer. In case of 100 and a time of 10 minutes, this corresponds to 10 minutes of effort per 100 pieces. A subsequent change implies a complete revision of the already entered data.

Accept Changes

The "Quantity per time" specification is written in all existing entries (operation, routing, production routing) but not calculation.


No change log is created. Process cannot be undone. It has a direct influence on all analyses, including closed work orders and assembly valuations.

Time Unit

Minutes / hours: Defines whether the stored times are stored as hours or minutes.

Accept Changes

The "Time Unit" specification is written in all existing entries (operation, routing, production routing) but not calculation.


No change log is created. Process cannot be undone. Has a direct influence on all analyses, including closed work orders and assembly valuations.

Scrap related to a certain operation

Determines whether a material scrap factor can be specified in the routing.

If this option is activated, a corresponding field is available in the routing.

This scrap factor is generally deactivated and should only be activated if the other scrap factors are insufficient. see: scrap / cut-off

On activation, the calculation time in MRP may increase somewhat.

Behavior for Routing Scrap of Material % affect to

Dropdown parameter with 3 types of behavior:


- "Linked material only": Only linked materials are affected by the scrap %
- "From first to the last linked material": All materials below any linked material are affected.

- "All materials are affected".




Concept Scrap of Material

Routing position Extended

Operation: Column "Active" show

Determines whether the "active" field in the operation should be displayed.

You can activate / deactivate an operation in dependencies here. If this function is not required, we recommend that you deactivate it. If enabled, the calculation time can be significantly longer for large amounts of data. See Edit routing position

Pos. Increment

When routings are created, the position numbers are generated automatically. The increments are entered here – Default is 10.

Default Cost Center

A default cost center can be defined for faster input.

Default Resource

A default resource can be defined for faster input.

First Field

For faster input you can define the field in which the cursor should be positioned when recording the positions.

Format instructions

Determines the format of "instructions" field. Available: "Text" and "RTF". See Edit routing.

Note: Changing format settings does not affect existing entries. (beas 9.1 PL: 07)

UDF1 .. UDF4

User-definable fields. See UDF




Configuration wizard - Routing


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