Post-calculation master data

Production > Post calculation > Post-calculation master data

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In this window you can define which work orders are calculated (Selection tab) and how the calculation takes place (Calculation tab)


Post-calculation - List

  Post-calculation - Master data

  Post-calculation - Results

      Post-calculation - Details on calculation

          Results profit centers

              Results detail


PATH: Production > Post calculation > Open calculation.


Window postcalc_header_browse.psr


Selection tab




The calculation is saved with this number.


Free text.


Additional information.

Document number from to

Select for items to perform a post-calculation. If in field "from" a number is entered, this limits the field "to" (no earlier number may be entered there).

Order status


all = independent of manufacturing status

only open = only production items which are not completed

only closed = only production items which are currently closed

active on reference date = only production items which will be active by the given date (see below)

With this selection, the "type" is set to "single step" automatically.


Reference date

If this filter is set, only the following work order items are considered:

- WO items that have a document date before the given date (See Work order - Order date).

- WO items that are currently active or which have been closed after the reference date


The date of completion of the work order is checked. This field can be selected only if "active on reference date" was selected at "order status".




If a closed work order position is re-opened subsequently, the result can be falsified, because the period is not saved in which the position was opened and closed again.

If an order time entry is canceled or deleted, it will be treated as deleted.


Order time registered for 1.5.2015, canceled 1.6.2015
Reference date is 10.5.2015 – the order time is not considered, although it existed on 10.5.

If another type than "single step" was selected, sub-assemblies are always calculated, even if these were not active on the reference date.



Pos 10 Open

  Pos 20 closed, out of reference date


Running a calculation of type "standard" or "accumulated" position 20 is included in the calculation.


Project Id (optional) (Multiple selection).

Item from to

For which items to perform a post-calculation.

Item group

Filter by item group (Multiple selection).

Item property

Selection for properties (Multiple selection).

Material group

Selection of material group (Multiple selection).

Production types

Selection of Production types (Multiple selection).

Closed in period

It is possible to define a time period – today, last X days or a date area



If Date area is selected, it is possible to insert a from–to date.


The post calculation checks only the last "close date".

If the user reopens the work order and closes it later again, Beas ignores the first "close date".


Beas 9.3 PL 1

Last movement

Filter: only work orders with movements in the given period. The valuation date is considered for material posting, external operation – delivery notes and for Order time receipts.

Filter SQL

Here you can define an own filter with an SQL statement.

If you click on the SQL icon, you can define this in a simple way in the sql editor.

The flag displays if the SQL statement is correct or incorrect: red = wrong, green = correct.


The following tables are available:

Work order header: BEAS_FTHAUPT
Work order position: BEAS_FTPOS
Item: OITM


The command must start with "and"-


Only work orders with the word "red" in field "UDF1"


and "BEAS_FTPOS"."UDF1" = 'red'


Beas 9.3 PL: 01


Calculation tab




Type of calculation. See WO post calculation - Type.

Value sub-assemblies

Determines the valuing of sub-assemblies

See Configuration wizard - post calculation - assembly .

Valuate by

Defines the value at which the material postings are valued. See Pricing-Types.

Resource cost rate

Defines which cost rate to use for resource valuation

Standard: no entry, planned and actual values are used. If a cost rate is selected, planned and actual values are valued at this cost rate. See Cost rates.


Selected calculation schema (from Precalculation). All settings are transferred (e.g. cost types, surcharges etc.).

Valuation period

The valuation period can be set for long-running projects. Only the costs occurred in the specified period are calculated.


Warning: If this function is used, a plan-actual comparison is no longer useful. If "Plan=Actual if no time receipt" is active in the options, this will lead to false results.

Purchase order valuate

If this switch is enabled, purchase orders are considered as actual costs. (No need to wait for Purchase invoice).






This button runs the calculation. As it is not performed in the background, it may take long depending on the number of work orders.


Post-calculation can be run automatically, for example once a week, at night etc. See tasks.


Call up via Beas-script


x = Number of post-calculation



beas.exe user=serveruser pw=xyz /db=trainingdb object=ue_fert_naka=batchnaka=3<cr_lf>app=close



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