Calculation button

Inventory > Item master > Master Data tab > Calculation > Calculation button

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The button calls the Precalculation for the item. This calculation is only for display and cannot be saved.

In the first window you can define all parameters for the precalculation.

With the button "Start" Beas opens the precalculation window.


PATH: Inventory > Item structure/Item report > Double-click an item >  Item master data for XXX > "Calculation" tab > "Calculation" button.

An intermediate window opens where you can configure further parameters. Use the yellow arrow icon to open the Schema Detail window.



Window pk_new.psr


Field Description



Calculation schema

Defines which Calculation schema to use to calculate this item. See Calculation Schema.

Lot Size

You can define the Lot size in Production or Inventory UoM. Default is Production UoM.

Material Valuation

Material Valuation 2

Determine the source for the direct material costs.

Material Valuation 2 determines the source for the direct material costs in case any of the direct material costs is not found in the source set in Material Valuation.

This setting has no effect on External operation > Valuation of services.

The default schema is defined in the Configuration Wizard.

See Setup wizard – Calculation – Costing analysis and Pricing types.

One step

If activated, only a single-level of Precalculation is performed, that is, sub-assemblies are not further broken down. If not selected, the complete BOM structure is broken down.

Sub-assemblies are valued according to the selected method.

Display per

Determines how to display the results:

Display per piece (or unit) shows the calculated values for one piece.
Display per lot size (corresponds to calculation lot size) shows the calculated values for the amount of pieces set in the Lot Size field.
Display per .. (factor can be entered manually) shows a new field to set the quantity of pieces for which to display the calculated values.


You can define "Lot size" and "Display per" with decimal places.


This field is used to determine the BOM and routing to be used.



Item master – I-Version

Item version control


Select a specific variant for running the calculation process. Up to 26 variants can be stored per item.

Product configuration

Select a specific product configuration for running the calculation process.

Bill of Materials

The BOM to be used for the breakdown of the assembly can be selected in this field. It is stored in the item or item version.

This fields is only visible, if Item version control was activated.


The Routing to be used for breakdown of the assembly can be selected in this field. It is stored in the item or item version.

This fields is only visible, if Item version control was activated.

This field can be edited only when creating a new calculation and and the Routing directly selectable option is enabled.




Item Master – calculation tab

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