Warehouse (Pegging setting)

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Detailed MRP scenario settings related to warehouse and inventory.


PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario > click the Open button > Detail tab.





Warehouse stock

Enable Beas to take into account the inventory of the items in the MRP.

Minimum Inventory

Enables Beas to take into account the minimum inventory that is defined in the item master data, in the MRP.

The minimum stock request is always be shown as pegging, even if it causes no requirement.

Only the actually occurring requirement is displayed in the Outflow field.


Example: No underlining

Warehouse 100

Minimum stock: 50


Info = "Min: 50"

Outflow = 0

Balance = 50


Example: Partial underlining

Warehouse 100

Minimum stock: 150


Info = "Min: 150"

Outflow = 50

Balance = -50


For further information see "Breakdown minimum stock"


Note: If the requirements are in the past, they are put into the present after minimum stock examination has been carried out.


See Order Recommendation


In older versions the minimum stock was only shown as the pegging, if this causes a direct requirement, so it is bigger than the considered warehouse stock.

There are some dependencies to determine the minimum stock:


Stock management by item:

If the minimum stock is bigger than the required stock, the minimum stock is always be used as the reference size, otherwise the required stock is used.


The minimum stock is determined in warehouse units, the required stock is determined in purchase units ("OITM"."ReorderQTy" * "OITM"."NumlnBuy").


Stock management by warehouse

The sum of all minimum stock of all warehouses that are included in the calculation are considered.

Minimum inventory break down

Enable Beas to break down the minimum inventory requirements. There is only a breakdown if the warehouse inventory is smaller than the minimum inventory. Only the missing share is broken down.

If this option is activated, the minimum stock requirements are broken down. A storage related assembly is broken down into its components. In this case the requirements always date from the past.

Attention: This function works only for storage-related items, not for order-related assemblies.

See item master data


Example: the warehouse inventory is 100 pcs and the minimum inventory is 150. The program assumes that the missing 50 pcs must be produced to fulfill the minimum inventory.

In case the minimum inventory is underrun, the scrap quantity is not considered. It will be taken into account at breakdown.

Example: the warehouse inventory is 100 pcs, the minimum inventory is 101 and scrap quantity is 10 pcs. A negative balance of 101 results, and a further breakdown occurs with 111. If a work order is created from this, it has a quantity of 101 + 10 from scrap.

For items managed by batches, if the option Locked Batches are Disposable in the section Inventory from the Details tab is deactivated, only the batches that are not locked will be used as warehouse reference.

Example: the warehouse inventory is 70 pcs, the minimum inventory is 100 and the locked batch quantity is 10 pcs. A negative balance of 40 arises.

Inventory transfer request

Each inventory transfer request generates 2 entries in the MRP; first is similar to a sales order in the source warehouse and the second entry is like a purchase order for the target warehouse.


If this setting is activated, the system checks the transfer request document.

Notify of minimum inventory / warehouse


Activate this parameter to  enable a warning icon for items where the Total minimum stock status is positive, but at least one of the warehouses may require a stock transfer. This only applies when the item is set to "Inventory by warehouse". This notification corresponds to the situation of the warehouses at the time of the MRP calculation and not necessarily to the current status of the warehouses.


Note: This parameter increases the MRP calculation time, in databases with large warehouse lists. The calculation may take a long time and, in this case, we do not recommend its use.

See Minimum inventory alert.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?warehouse_pegging_setting.htm