Inflow & Outflow

MRP > Order recommendation: overview > Order recommendation view > Requirement > Inflow & Outflow

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This tab lists all requirements for producing or purchasing an item selected in the upper order recommendation list.

The detailed, daily/weekly/monthly or summed view of the requirements can be set in Item Master > Planning Data > Accumulation.


Double-click an order in this tab, and either the Order tab opens where you can edit and create purchase documents, or the Make tab to edit and create Production requests or a work order.


hmtoggle_plus1Inflow & Outflow tab




Type of inflow / outflow (symbol).

Planned inflow_outflow

Number and description of pegging (order and item).


Name of customer/supplier.

Info 2

Content of "Customer ref. Nr".


This switch is dependent on the pegging. In sales area the switch Sales document > Logistics > Approved serves as reference.


Sales area:

Forecast: always released
Sales order: approved from document ORDR.Confirmed
Advance invoice: approved from document OINV.Confirmed
Transfer request:"approved from document OWTQ.Confirmed
Blanket orders: always released
Recurring sales orders: always released
SCM: always released


Originated material requirement receives the same status.


Production area:

Assemblies and BOM: approved from work order position beas_mrp_detail.released 1/0

This switch is enabled if customer order is approved.

Date of order

Calculated from the requirement date minus replenishment time or calculated production time.

The date is only displayed if the balance is negative.

The date is set to the current date if it is in the past.


Calculation of the production time is done independent of any lot sizes. The required quantity is always used as lot size.


Planned receipt of first purchase:

At purchased items the number of workdays stored in Configuration wizard are subtracted.


Calculate order recommendation date


Show the calendar week of the order date.

Date of requirement

Date of requirement of the material or assemblies

See computation of purchase recommendation date


If a work order or a purchase order is created, this date is indicated as delivery date.





hmtoggle_plus1  If minimum stock is considered, it is taken into account as follows:

Minimum stock is calculated as a requirement at the moment of computation. Peggings from the past have no effect. Minimum stock can become a pegging only if it has a negative balance at the moment of computation.


Balance by warehouse stock minus minimum stock is positive:

The minimum stock is subtracted directly from the warehouse. The minimum stock is not displayed as a requirement because it does not create a requirement.


Balance by warehouse stock minus minimum stock is negative:

The minimum stock is displayed as the pegged requirement (separate line).


See Scenario > Details > Consider minimum stock


Depending on setting in MRP wizard > Details > Inventory > Balance:consider reservations.

If enabled, the reserved quantity is subtracted from stock.

Field is inactive by default (See window settings).


Planned receipt quantity.


Can be (example)

- Work order positions

- Negative Work order Bill of Material positions


If it is an order-related sub position from a work order, it only appears as neutral quantity (gray).

If the quantity is higher than the quantity of the related Bill of materials position, only the quantity higher than the Bill of materials quantity is shown.


Example: Special case for inflow or outflow work order subassemblies:

work order with order related subassembly (bom position 10, item abc, covered by work order position 30, item abc)

PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario and click the Order recommendation button



Bill of materials: 1 Pcs

Subassembly order related: 1 Pcs

Balance is 0, inflow and outflow neutral.

This is not visible in inflow or outflow, and in the requirement list it is gray.

PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario and click the Order recommendation button



However, if you change the quantity from order-related subassembly, it changes. The quantity displayed is not for the main assembly but for the stock.


PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario and click the Order recommendation button




Total open Quantity from Work order Bill of Material position

(Planned Quantity from BoM Position * Open quantity from Work order position)


If this position if linked to a work order position (order related item) then it check, if planned open quantity same as the current open BoM Quantity - Reservation


Follow example



Bill of materials = 1, but we produce 10

9 is for the stock

In Beas only one inflow column is available, but in this case:

1 Pcs = neutrally, 9 = income


Beas displays this in the following way:

Item list

Inflow: Include the quantity of the stock, in this case 9, and increase the inflow quantity from 5 to 14.

Requirement list inflow: Do not display neutral quantities and display only the stock related quantity = 9



Outflow without reservations

Field is inactive by default (see window settings).

Sum of all outflow, minus the quantity reserved for the pegging.


Balance of stock - minimum inventory – planned outflow + planned inflow within the computation period of this schedule.

Settings in MRP wizard > Details > Inventory > Balance:consider reservations affect this as follows:

If enabled, balance is computed as stock less reservations:

- (outflow less reservations)

+ (inflow less reservations)

In total, reservations are neutralized, but the timeline of requirements can change.

If disabled, reservations are completely ignored in balance computation.


See Configuration wizard > Production > Reservation


Note: If reservation is disabled, no correct balance can be displayed for order-related items. See item breakdown. Order-related items are managed by the customer order to work order function.


Unit of measure.


This refers to the sales order, reserved invoices, production Bill of materials item.

If something was reserved for the item in a warehouse or planned receipt, a quantity is shown here.


For planned inflow or outflow the item version number can be indicated.

Drawing number

Can be transferred to subsequent document and changed. If working with item version control, this is usually the item version number.

Requirement Coverage

For more information, see Requirement coverage calculation.





Covered by stock. The assigned quantity is displayed.


Covered by order multiple or minimum order quantity.


Covered by planned production receipt.


Covered by planned goods receipt from PO.


The list is sorted by the following criteria:

1.Shortfall of minimum requirement
2.Date of inflow or outflow
3.If the same date: first inflow
4.Document number
hmtoggle_plus1Icons - explanation





Summary (for example summary per day/week/month/order multiple)


Work order, negative Bill of Materials


Work order position, assembly


Purchase order, suppliers request, SAP/Beas purchase request, recurring order, blanket agreements supplier, SCM purchase order, every type of parked document , pre-receipt PO


Transfer request target


Transfer request  source


Sales forecast


Sales order, pre-invoice, recurring customer order, blanket agreements, SCM sales order


Minimum stock


Calculation - purchase


Calculation - assembly


Planned Bill of Materials from all types of documents




User table in


User table out

hmtoggle_plus1Right-click menu in Inflow or outflow tab




Purchase for

By double-clicking on the requirement originator (pegging) in case of purchase parts, the purchase tab is opened, and a link to the pegging is established. A purchase order is created linked to the originator.

Sales order for

By double-clicking on the requirement originator (pegging) in case of production parts, the production tab is opened, and a link to the pegging is established. A work order is created linked to the originator.


Opens the allocation window for the selected order.

Total Requirements

Sets a filter and displays the total requirement for this entry.

Stock Transfer

Opens the Stock transfer window.


The origin of requirements window opens in which a structure view for the selected item is presented. Peggings or replenishments are displayed above the item. The requirements and replenishments caused by this item are displayed below it.

Calculation update


Replenishments (work orders, purchases) which cover the demand are re-computed based on the current data, the balance is re-calculated. This way the impact of a newly generated order can be viewed in the timeline.


Note: Peggings are not determined again.


Depending items (e.g. work order – BOM) are not re-computed, because these are also considered as peggings.

The update is preformed automatically after an order was created if this option was activated.

See Configuration wizard > Materials management > MRP wizard > view > update immediately.


The following information is re-computed:

- Current Stock

- Min. Level Stock

- planned Work order receipts

- Work order requests

- Purchase order

- Purchase request

- Blanket Agreements PO

- Inventory transfer requests


- Pre-Invoice PO

- Reserve Invoice PO


Not re-computed:

- All areas in sales

- Forcast

- Own SQL

- Work order BoM

Window settings

Window settings.

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