Order recommendation List

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This window section of the Order recommendation displays the requirements on item level for planning purchase orders or production orders.

PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario > click the Order recommendation button.

Window: mrp_view_masterrahmen


Templates and window settings are supported. The window settings are adjusted by the right-clicking on the current window and selecting window settings.

The window settings are saved in the current selected template automatically if a template is active.

Note: Only the item list is affected (Order recommendation list).

See youtube Youtube baidu Baidu (gbf8)


Only the flowing items are displayed:

Items according to filter settings in the planning scenario. See Planning.
Items according to filter settings. See window filters.


hmtoggle_plus1Field descriptions

All values provided are true at the moment of computation.




Item number.


MRP can calculate version-managed items based on the available stock of the item.
Each Item version is treated as an individual item.


ATTENTION: This only applies to batch/serial-managed items.

IMPORTANT: if you have an item that is controlled by versions, it is calculated by each version.



If the item is marked as version-controlled, but not managed by batches/serials, the item is calculated as one line.

Documents* that have empty version field take the default version.
Such documents are forecasts, sales orders, sales quotations, reverse invoices, stock transfer requests, Purchase orders, Purchase quotations, Beas PO requests.

Minimum stock for version:

If minimum stock is set, the calculation applies the minimum stock only for the version that was set as default. See image below.



Note: Inventory information is not displayed by I-Version in the "By Warehouse" tab.


Item description.

Lead time

Lead time or replenishment time according to the item master in working days.

Minimum inventory

Required stock is displayed in case that it is higher than minimum stock.

If Inventory management by warehouse was enabled, the sum of minimum stock per warehouse is displayed. Only the warehouses that have been selected in Planning scenario - Warehouse are considered.


... / attention *Inventory  ALERT



This only applies when the item is set as Inventory by warehouse.

The column name is not indicated in the window, but can be set as "Inventory alert" in Window settings.

If the Notify of minimum inventory / warehouse parameter is activated, the MRP calculation can display the attention Icon in this column for Items where the total minimum stock Status is positive but at least one of the warehouses is under minimum stock.


Minimum Inventory Warning: Right-click the column header to activate/delete inventory warning filter.



Item "FP011" has 100 Units in stock for warehouse 01. See image below.
The item has 40 units of min stock defined for Warehouse 01 and additional 40 units for Warehouse 02.

Stock and balance are sufficient, but Warehouse 02 is under minimum stock, which is indicated with the warning icon displayed.
Go to tab "by Warehouse", where you can find detailed information for insufficient stock.





If Inventory management by warehouse was enabled, the sum of required stock per warehouse is displayed. Only the warehouses which have been selected in Planning scenario - Warehouse are considered.

Warehouse stock

Displays current item stock at the moment of calculation.


If Inventory management by warehouse was enabled, the sum of required stock is displayed. Only the warehouses that have been selected in Planning scenario - Warehouse are considered.


If you disable in Planning scenario - Details - Inventory - Blocked batches are available as stock, only free or unavailable batches are considered, but blocked batches are not.

Warehouse stock available

Displays the warehouse stock minus the reserved goods.

See Warehouse stock.


Note: If blocked batches are reserved and not considered, this may lead to incorrect values. Because in this case, blocked batches will be subtracted from the displayed stock.


Sum of all planned inflow in Inventory UoM (according to current filter settings), excluding order related quantities (e.g. bill of materials with order related item) and pegged requirements that were covered by reservations.


Sum of all planned issues in Inventory UoM (according to current filter settings) plus sum of all planned inflow in Inventory UoM (according to current filter settings), excluding order-related quantities (e.g. bill of materials with order related item).


Balance of stock level-minimum stock-planned issue+planned inflow in the period of computation displayed in Inventory UoM.


Reserved quantity.


Inventory UoM.


Note: If you create a work order, the system uses the Production warehouse related to all Warehouse rules and Configuration settings. It does not use the Default warehouse.

Order recommendation by:

CW x

Month x

or user defined


Order recommendation for next calendar weeks, months or other time units, that can be defined manually.


PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario and click the Order recommendation button

First slot (e.g. <= CW5) :  week at the moment of the MRP run.

second to second to last slot: slots of defined duration (e.g. one week)

last slot: all requirements from the beginning of the last slot until the far future.


Window maintenance_order_browse.psr

Depending on  the defined time period for the calculation and the type of time period representation, the system calculates the count of columns. 2–18 periods are displayed then.

In Planning Scenario > Scheduling you can define other time units, for example monthly, bi-weekly or in customized time unit definitions.


Attention! Order proposal date is not the requirement date!


An order proposal corresponds to the requirement date minus the average delivery time, lead time and some buffer days.

In the order recommendation list it is possible to determine  the quantity to be ordered automatically, even if the last possible date has not yet been reached. Select the number of buffer days, as well as the desired procurement method. Then, the test starts determining what quantity should be ordered, taking into account the lead time + buffer days (working days):


PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard/Order recommendations > Select a scenario > Order recommendation button > mode button > Pre-assign button.


WIndow mrp_strukturansicht_vorbelegen.psr



The requirement date (list of peggings) is less or equal to the current date + lead time + buffer days given in working days. The sum of the affected peggings, taking into account the already planned receipts in this period, is the quantity to be ordered or to be produced. The calculated delivery date is, at earliest, the current day (today) + replenishment lead time + buffer days (work days). The determined date is at least one day after current date + replenishment lead time. If the determined day is not a working day, the next working day is identified and proposed. The determined values ​​are entered in the order recommendation item list (upper part) in columns "quantity" and "requirement date".  Click the Purchase Request or Production button to complete the process.


Note: This pre-allocation function considers only storage-related assemblies.

Attention: Supplier and price need to be entered prior to the creation of purchase documents. Items without this information are ignored.


Examples for the calculation of the order proposed date with help of the pre-allocation function:

1.Lead time from the item master appears in the calculation is 20 days.

PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario and click the Order recommendation button

Window: mrp_view_masterrahmen

2.Fill PO quantities. Additional days can be entered.


Period = Current day  + Lead time (item master) + work days

End of the period = 24.07.2010

The last requirement of 31 pieces from 26.07.2010 is outside the period.

Period = Current day  + Lead time (item master) + work days

End of the period = 23.08.2010

The last requirement of 31 pieces from 26.07.2010 is now inside the period.


If by right-clicking on a calendar week the purchase order quantity (field "quantity“) is pre-allocated, the delivery date is also pre-allocated according to the selected calendar week. It is also possible to enter the desired delivery date of the purchase order to be created.


Order multiples

Order multiples (item master) is taken into account.

Example: Order multiple 10

Purchase order recommendation CW of 10: 6 pcs, CW 11: 4 Pcs

Displayed: CW 10: 10 Pcs, CW 11: 0 Pcs


It is always rounded up to the next order multiple and the subsequent purchase is covered by it. Double requests are avoided.


Order possibility

Collective purchase request/collective production request: Right-click on the time heading (CW x), which uses the order quantities for CW x. The requirements are entered in the quantity column. Only entries with corresponding requirements are displayed. For purchase orders the price and the supplier must be entered, for production request only the quantity. Then, the process can be started via "production request" or "order request".


Take over single quantity: If the quantity is to be used for one item, right-click in the CW x column on the corresponding item and choose "order request" or "production request".


This is not possible in collective order mode. For activating the detailed view click on the mode button. Thereafter, data can be completed and the process can be started.

Quantity in warehouse units

Quantity to be purchased / produced in Inventory UoM (Column header "quantity").

Quantity purchasing UoM

Quantity to be purchased / produced in purchasing units (Column header "quantity").

Purchasing UoM

Purchasing UoM according to item master data.

Factor Purchase UoM

Factor Purchasing UoM to Inventory UoM according to item master data.


Special price list supplier, extended price lists are taken into account

If there are no supplier price lists and no special price lists, then the last purchase price is used.

Price is displayed in purchasing UoM.

Purchase Blanked Agreements supported

Price is for "today" (not delivery date)


If you change Supplier or Quantity and the system don't find a price, the current price is not changed!


Currency for purchase. The system use the Currency from the defined price list, Blanked agreement and so on.


Choose Supplier in dropdown list : Option is to be defined in the Configuration Wizard:

See: Configuration wizard - Materials management - MRP wizard - view - supplier selection


Supplier name.

Blanked Agreement Number

The system select the correct Purchase Agreement number automatically for current supplier, quantity and delivery date.

Blanked Agreement ID

Internal Purchase Agreement Number

Gross price

If a gross price list for the chosen supplier was stored, all price quotations are then carried out for gross prices (cannot be changed). If an order is prepared, the price is submitted as a gross price.

Deliv. date

Delivery date for the purchase order to be created. It is pre-allocated with the first outflow (e.g. requirement date from customer order or work order). The balance (inventory, other inflow) is not considered. If the first planned outflow is in the past, this date will be displayed in this field.

Date of order

Planned inflow of first purchase order.

First demand

First planned issue (delivery date of customer order, forecast).

Sales Uom

Sales UoM.

Sales factor

Factor Inventory UoM to sales UoM.


Scheduling ID according to item master data.

Order related

Active for order related items.

Procurement Method

Purchase item or production item.


Active for production items.


Active for purchase items.

Sales item

Active for sales items.

Purchase item

Active for purchase items.


Clearance attribute according to item master.

free from

Clearance attribute "from" according to item master.

free to

Clearance attribute "to" according to item master.


Attribute blocked according to item master.

blocked from

Attribute blocked "from" according to item master.

blocked to

Attribute blocked "to" according to item master.

Item account

Default account as per item master.

Note: The account is only correct if the account was set up per item.

raw material

Raw material according to item master.

Order multiple

Order multiple according to item master data > Planning Data tab.

Minimum order amount

Minimum order amount according to item master data > Planning Data tab.

Maximum amount

Minimum order amount according to item master.

Goods issue for production

Total of planned production outflow.

Goods receipt from production

Total of planned production on hand.


Total of incoming purchase orders.

Sales order

Total Sales order outflow.

Quantity for chosen PO

Total items for PO as selected in Planning > Detail > Filter.

Release for production

Release ID as per item master.

Drawing number

Drawing number according to item master.


DIN - according to item master.

Match code

Match code - according to item master.


If the demand for this item is caused by another item (assembly), which has a higher priority, the priority of the originator is displayed.

It can be set in the Configuration Wizard, whether a high or a low number has higher priority.

The priority is set in the Item master data > Planning data > Priorities.

Also see:

Configuration wizard - Planning data - Priority

Sales order - Priority

Material group

Material group according to item master.

UDF 1-3

(can be made writable). Any change made is saved immediately.

You can rename the fields with Beasscript using the „tabredraw lmaster“ event.

Entered values are saved and stay available as long the order recommendation is not recomputed.

Stock underrun PO

Stock underrun for the PO selected in Planning > Detail > Filter.


Note: The content is not saved and stays available until the list is redrawn. This field may be used for customizations, as well as fields "UDF1 ... UDF3".


Not supported.

First inflow

First inflow by purchase (P) or production order (W).





Closes order recommendation window


You can manage requirements to plan production or purchase documents by switching between two modes:


Single mode (default view of the Order recommendation window)
Massive mode


By switching to Massive mode, you can work on item level for planning purchase orders or production orders.
Click the mode button, and the complete bottom window area disappears, leaving the Order recommendation list and 3 additional buttons:





Purchase request

Create a purchase request for the selected item.


Create a work order for the selected item.


Opens a new window to calculate what quantities need to be produced or purchased for the next X days.  Use this to make material requirement planning for a defined upcoming period.

See  functionality description in Pre-Assign


Settings for fixed filters

Report production requests

Opens list of Production requests

Report purchase requests

The button is only visible if the user has the authorization to create a purchase request.

It uses a Beas or SAP variant for purchase request. See Configuration wizard – purchase request

Opens the SAP Purchase request report window

This is not possible if you start Beas in standalone mode.

PATH: Purchasing - A/P > Purchasing Reports > Purchase Request Report



From this window you can create a Purchase Order and Purchase Quotation from the Purchase request:


beas 9.3 PL 2

Opens the Beas Purchase request window

From this window you can manage all purchase requests, create purchase orders, purchase quotations or draft documents.


PATH: MRP > Purchase request



For more information see Beas purchase request.

Purchase Request

Only visible after switching to Massive mode with the mode button (see above).

The button creates a purchase request for all marked entries with a quantity.

NOTE: Supplier and price need to be entered prior to the creation of purchase documents. Items without this information are

ignored when creating a Purchase Request.


Only visible after switching to Massive mode with the mode button (see above).

The button creates a Production request for all marked entries with a quantity.


Only visible after switching to Massive mode with the mode button (see above).




Also see:

Order recommendation overview

Fixed filters

Context menu and filters


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202105/index.html?auftragsempfehungartikelliste.htm