Edit QC inspection plan

Production > Quality control > QC inspection plan > Edit QC inspection plan

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Main window for editing inspection plans.


PATH: Production > Quality control > QC inspection plan > Open an entry.


Window qs_qsartikelhaupt_edit.psr


QC-inspection plan

 Edit QC-inspection plan

         Master data                Basic information, Release, Rules

         Parallel                Determines parallel QC-inspection plans
         Release                Release rules, Work flow for blockage
         Rule                Rules for registration, applying for measurement positions

         Measurement positions        Definition of measurement positions

         Attachments                Store up to 3 images

         Documents                Attachments, Documents, Texts to be transferred to the QC order



QC-inspection plan

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?qs-prfplan_bearbeiten.htm