Purchased items

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Batch calculation (precalculation)                

 Batch calculation overview

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                 Purchased items

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Purchased items tab

A calculation of purchased items is only possible if activated in Configuration wizard > Calculation > Precalculation.


Window: pk_batchkalk_edit




Calculate Purchase Items

You can use a purchased item evaluation, for example, to add administration costs and any other costs at a default price defined by pricing, and to fill a price list.

Calculation for this area is deactivated by default.


Purchase part calculation may be used for generating a sales price list, after adding storage costs, transport costs, revenue etc.


Purchase parts are calculated the same way as assemblies. Stored routings and materials are taken into account. If no BOM was stored, the material itself is taken as reference, all surcharges from the selected calculation schema are added, and the price is saved.


Example 1


Material A

 |_ Material B


Result = Costs from Material B + Calculation Schema


Example 2


Material A (without Bill of Material)


Result = Costs from Material A + Calculation Schema



Order of calculation


When calculating assemblies and purchase parts, first the purchase parts are calculated and the resulting value is incorporated into the assembly.


Field: kaufteil (J=on, N=off - Standard)

Pricing purchase part

Pricing for calculation.

If this field is not filled, standard settings are used.


Precalculation - Material - Purchase price

Configuration wizard - Calculation - Precalculation - Pricing

Pricing 2

Second pricing if no price could be determined with the first one.

Fill calculated price

Should the calculation price stored in the item master data be entered? If so, you can specify the price in the following field. This field is visible only if "per warehouse" was not enabled.

See Item - Calculation - Calculation price

With reference

Specifies the value of the calculation price to be entered.

This field is visible only if "fill calculated price" was enabled.

Fill price list

If a price list was selected, you can specify the price that should be entered in the following field.


This field is visible only if "per warehouse" was not enabled.


Saving the price list is very time-consuming; it can double computation time.

If the beas common interface is active, the process is executed asynchronously using this interface. Thus, price lists are updated using fewer resources.


The price list is filled using DI-API. The user starting the calculation requires rights to change prices via DI-API.


See Servever management

With price

Specifies the price that should be entered in the price list.

This field is visible only if at "fill price list" a price list was selected.

Calculation schema

You can select a calculation schema to be used to perform the calculation.

See Calculation schema.


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Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?purchased_items.htm