Batch calculation overview

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Batch calculation (precalculation)                

 Batch calculation overview

         Edit Batch calculation

                 Selection tab

                 In-house production

                 Purchased items

                 Extended tab


All batch calculations are displayed in this overview list.

Window settings are supported, the authorization Batch Precalculation is required.



Window pk_batchkalk_browse.psr





Unique number of batch calculation definition.


Icon: a red stop sign with a hand means, there were errors in the last calculation, a protocol entry was created.


Description of the calculation.


Type of calculation.


Current Status: Red, if calculation is performed at the moment. The currently calculated item is displayed, OK if the calculation was completed, Cancel if it was aborted


Possible errors:

For further analysis the batch-calculation should not be started as service. Please disable the option in Batch-calculation - Edit and restart the process.

Before, the status needs to be reset via right-click.



Problems with the initialization of Data-API

Beas requires DI-API to enter prices. The SAP Business One user logs on, who was entered in Configuration wizard > System.

In this error case the DI-API could not be initialized due a wrong password, missing authorizations of the user or for other reasons



Check error log (see Protocol)

Batch-calculation - activate "not as service"and re-start. View "last messages"



Free text.

Last calculation

Date of the last calculation.

For item view

If active, the result if this calculation is displayed in item master - calculation.

For standard costs

If active, this batch calculation is used for valuation of standard costs.

Item from

Considered items.

Item to

Considered items.

One step

When enabled, only the first level of the calculation is computed. Sub-assemblies are not broken down, phantom assemblies are broken down.

Price list

If active, results are transferred to price list.

Calculation price

Calculation price is filled and will be displayed in item master > calculation > calculation price .


Name of calculation schema.

Purchase parts

Check mark if purchase parts are also calculated.

Schema purchase parts

Calculation schema for purchase parts.


ID for automatic calculation.

Material group

Material group of the item to be calculated.

Templatefield 1–6



As in work order structure view, there a red icon is displayed in case of a protocol entry






Open the selected calculation for editing.


Close window.


Create a new calculation.


Delete the selected calculation.


Display results of the calculation.


If started "as service" it runs in the background. Depending on the PC´s performance, you can continue to work normally.Use "Cancel" to terminate the process.


During the process of calculation, in case of an error or cancellation, the calculation cannot be restarted. Use right-click – reset status.



The right Run batch calculation is required. If the authorization is missing, the button will be hidden.


Only displayed while computation is running, use to cancel computation, no matter on which PC it is running.

Status Reset

During the process of calculation, in case of an error or cancellation, the calculation cannot be restarted. Function available in the right-click menu.

Error log

If errors have been found during the calculation, an error icon will be displayed in the list. This function opens the Error log to view and confirm the errors.



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