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Batch calculation (precalculation)                

 Batch calculation overview

         Edit Batch calculation

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                 In-house production

                 Purchased items

                 Extended tab


Extended tab


Window: pk_batchkalk_edit




Consider special price list

Independent of the configuration wizard, you can set up whether to consider special price lists and blanket agreements.

Per Warehouse

If enabled, calculation is performed per warehouse. In the next field, the warehouses to be included can be limited.

Field is only visible, if in SAP Business Onebasis initialization "Price per warehouse" was set up.


If enabled, no prices can be saved to the price list or to the calculation price, because there a price per warehouse is not allowed.

This calculation is computationally extensive.


See Precalculation - Material - Purchase price

For item view

If active, the result of this calculation is displayed in item master; under "calculation" detailed information of the last calculation and various diagrams can be displayed. Only the result of one batch calculation is displayed. This can be used to define which of the batch calculations shall be used for the view.

For standard costs

Standard costs

If active, this batch calculation is used for valuation of standard costs. In this case,  the button „stock revaluation" is displayed in the results list. You can revalue the calculated items with this option.

Furthermore, this switch affects the standard valuation method.


Post calculation – Single stage valuation

In one stage post calculation "last Precalculation" can be used as a valuation form. The Precalculation in which this switch was activated is considered in this case.

See Configuration wizard - Post calculation - Singe stage valuation



If enabled, the type of batch calculation is set automatically to "valuation".


For "Pricing per warehouse" you need to set up "per warehouse" here.

Do not select the option "save Precalculation".



Batch calculation – stock revaluation

Valuation of assembly Standard costs method
Concept: valuation of assemblies
WO items
Edit Batch-calculation Standard costs


If any other than variant "A" shall be used as default, enter the variant here.


You can also store a variant in warehouse definition; the variant stored there has a higher priority.


This field is only visible if "per Warehouse" is activated.

Define, for which warehouse the price must be calculated.

For more information see per Warehouse.

Calculate automatically

The batch-calculation can be started automatically via an activity. Use this switch to control whether this batch-calculation is to be included.

See Activities.

Last calculation

Date of last calculation

As service

Determines the mode of calculation.

If the batch-calculation is started, it is carried out in the background. You can continue working. This is also possible for big amounts of data.

This service uses the same, currently logged-on user – please make sure that all necessary rights have been granted.

The calculation is started immediately. You need to wait until it is finished. Use this option for debugging. Do not use this mode for of huge amounts of data.

Precalculation Save

If active, the calculation is saved as Precalculation.

This type takes much more time. Select this option only if you need an image of this calculation to view it under Precalculation.


As "Customer name" the designation of Batch-calculation is saved, under "Info" the continuous calculation number.


Disabled option (Default):

Calculation is faster. Results and schema are saved and can be viewed under Batch-calculation Results



Option may not be enabled, when using the batch-calculation for standard pricing.


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