Master Data

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 APS edit Planing

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Master data

This tab includes the specific information for the APS execution: the name of the scenario, the work orders to be scheduled and special sorting.



Window: fert_xgantt_planing_edit





Name of scheduling.


Description of scheduling, still changeable at this moment.

Resource group

If selected, only work orders from this group are displayed.


If selected, it displays only work orders containing a resource which is assigned to the respective employee. See resource master "employee planner".

Start date today+

If a number is entered, it displays only work orders having a start date today + the given number of calendar days.


beas uses the date which you defined in Production position – Start Date. If this was not defined, beas uses the Start time field from Production position which is determined automatically during production order creation using backward scheduling.



This works only if a start date was entered. Delete the entry to remove the filter.


Table fields:


Delivery date today +

Only work orders with a delivery date within the given period are displayed.


Project filter: only work orders related to this project are displayed.


Define which WO is shown filtered by priority.

Production type

Define which WO is displayed filtered by production type.


Define which WO is considered filtered by branch.


Define which WO is considered filtered by employee assigned (Item master > Employee).

Item material group

Define which WO is considered filtered by items linked to the material groups.

Item properties

Define which WO is considered filtered by items linked to the properties.

Item group

Define which WO is considered filtered by items linked to item groups.

Example: For example, if the user has created an item group called "Finished Products" in SAP, it can be selected here. Then, the APS scheduling screen will only display work orders with items that are assigned to this item group.

Filter SQL

You can define a customized filter with an SQL statement. Click on the SQL Symbol to define the filter.

In the SQL Editor, all available fields are shown. The filter can be defined and tested.


The code entered is inserted behind “WHERE” and before “ORDER BY”. This filter uses the following tables:


Work order position BEAS_FTPOS




Only show items for which the item code starts with "A"

substring ("OITM"."ItemCode",1,1)='A'

Beas marks correct SQL statements with a green flag and incorrect SQl statements with a red flag.


For more Information See SQL Editor

youtube Tips and tricks (sorting, filter, task descriptions) 10/2017

Hide Active

Enable to hide active work orders which are logged in or confirmed partly.

Hide Printed

Enable to hide printed work orders.

Hide Locked

Enable to hide blocked work orders.

Exception: Planned work orders are still displayed.

Planned Work orders

Work orders can be set APS planned, either automatically at calculation of the lead times or in Work order - Settings.


Example :

Only check already calculated WOs: In this case set to "Only planned".


Only WO set to "APS planned" have to be considered (in this case e.g. released). In this case, select "Hide planned".


Hide planned: Hide planned work orders.

All: Show work orders.

Only planned: Show only planned work orders.


Sortings can be set up. For the first sorting you can select from a list of templates or enter an SQL-Order-Statement.


The standard sortings are as follows:

manual sorting: Work orders can be sorted using drag & drop per scenario

planned start: Work orders can be sorted by start time of the manufacturing assembly ("BEAS_FTPOS"."STARTZEIT")

Delivery date: Work orders can be sorted by delivery date of the assembly ("BEAS_FTPOS"."LIEFERDATUM")

Document number: Work orders can be sorted by document number and assembly position number

Project: Work orders can be sorted by project number and start time of the manufacturing assembly

Customer: Work orders can be sorted by customer number and start time of the manufacturing assembly

Item: Work orders can be sorted by item (assembly) and start time of the manufacturing assembly

Priority: Work orders can be sorted by priority ID ("BEAS_FTPOS"."ABGKZ")


For the next two criteria the name and the SQL-Order-Statement is to be entered.

Note: No syntax check is performed by Beas. If an invalid value is entered, this leads to error when opening the planning list. The entered sorting templates are displayed in planning view at the end of the templates list.

Tables BEAS_FTPOS, OITM and BEAS_FTHAUPT are available.

Example: "BEAS_FTHAUPT"."AUFTRAG"  sort by order number


To define this, click on the sql symbol. In the SQL editor you see only the available tables.

Choose a table and a double-click on all necessary fields


If you execute the SQL statement, you can see  the result.

If you click on update, Beas inserts this information in the scheduling window.


Window sys_sqleditor.psr

For more information see SQL Editor.

youtube Tips and tricks (sorting, filter, task descriptions) 10/2017


Execute in






When starting the calculation, a separate task for the calculation is opened. While the calculation is running, it is possible to work with Beas, and the

APS Browser shows the status of the calculation.


The calculation is done directly in the application. While the application is running, it is not possible to work in Beas.

Ask always

When starting the calculation, you can choose if the calculation should be done in back- or foreground.



If you want to calculate this automatically, for example overnight, you can define an activity.

See Server activities

Last calculation

Date and time of the last calculation of this scenario.

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