
Production > Capacity Planning, APS > APS Planning > APS Edit Planning > Views > Views

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APS Planning

 APS edit Planing

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                 Sub view

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         Calculation type

 Planning view


In this Tab you can define how the WO will be displayed in the Gantt.

Production > Capacity Planning > APS > Add  > Views tab


Window fert_xgantt_view_browse.psr

Default button: Sets the selected row as default.


Production > Capacity Planning > APS > Add > Views tab > Add or Open


Window fert_xgantt_view_edit.psr

View tab




Unique name of the view


Description of the view.

Show only selected resources

Only resources will be shown which were selected in the planning (APS / VIEW). The operation sequences will not be linked to the arrows.  Resources can be arranged in groups in the Gantt view.

Date area from today minus days

Define the time range in which the work orders are going to be displayed. This is defined in calendar days.

Example: If the user enters from “1” to “30”, all work orders are displayed from 1 day in the past to 30 days in the future.

Optimal daily adjustment

Determine whether the day view should be scaled automatically. In most cases, it is better not to use this parameter and to define a fixed value.

Scrolling mode

Determines the behavior when the user moves an operation in the graphical view.



No action

Operation sequence can be scrolled freely. Useful if group function is used. An automatic optimized dispatch has to be done afterwards.


The operation sequence is fixed and marked after the scrolling. If a scheduling is done afterwards, all work orders with marked operation sequences are re-calculated. The operation sequence is not scrolled because of the fixing.


The operation sequence is fixed and marked and immediately dispatched after the scrolling. Thus the change is immediately recognizable in the dispatch display. Resource limits are not considered. The "Forward scheduling" method is dispatched. Possibly the operation sequence is re-scrolled automatically up to the first work hour. The duration is corrected accordingly.

Dispatch with resource limits

The resource limits are considered. After this the scrolling of the the operation sequence is possibly be re-scrolled – up to the first free time of the resource, and the duration is adjusted accordingly (depending on the resource capacity of this date).

Fix, dispatch and hold together

The next free time slot is searched and the operation sequence can be fully inserted in it.


Xgantt Style

Select Gantt viewer style:


- Fiori style (old): View APS results as in Beas Manufacturing versions older than 2021.03

- Boyum new Style: View APS results that is based on Boyum color codes and fonts, and that provides

enhanced user experience. See Boyum new Style Gantt viewer.

Sub View tab

Field Description tab

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