Field description

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APS Planning

 APS edit Planing

         Master data




                 Sub view

                 Field description

         Calculation type

 Planning view



Following can be defined in detail in the tab "Field description":


1. Definition of the sum description and operation sequence description

2. Up to 4 additional freely definable fields


These information will be determined directly using SQL-fragments. Although this method is not very simple, it is very flexible.


Designation information

The sum bar and operation sequences can be described in Gantt. The grouping and the description of the task can be done additionally at this information on the on the left side.

darstellung_linkeseite        darstellung_summenbalken2


The grouping and so the view on the left side can be defined in the Sub view.


The designation can be defined using SQL-Instruction. The SQL-Instruction is allowed to recall only one Varchar-String. Numbers have to be converted in string via the convert-instruction. The field will be formatted correctly and converted if it has been selected by adding. The result will be displayed immediately in the field "Result". The green/red flag shows if the instruction is correctly.


Default setting designation:


Document position, Resource, Activity

Sum 1

Document position, Item, Item description

Sum 2

Document position, Order, Customer name


There is an access to following tables to insert additional fields:


Operation sequence




Work order


Item information of the assembly


An access to all others tables is also possible via sub instruction.

(select x from mytable where y=z)




Examples are displayed in HANA-Syntax. These examples can also be used in the MSSQL-environment, because beas converts these in MSSQL-Syntax for runtime.


Operation sequence with item + describe material

Field - Description - Column "Sum 2"

RTTRIM("BEAS_FTPOS"."ItemCode") || ' '+rtrim("OITM"."U_WST_ID")


Work order position:

Statement position number, Item number, Description, Already posted in quantity, Total quantity

Cancellation or "manual complete" are no considered at this example.


'('||rtrim(CAST("BEAS_FTPOS"."BELPOS_ID" AS varchar(10)))||') ('||rtrim("BEAS_FTPOS"."ItemCode")||') '|| rtrim("BEAS_FTPOS"."ItemName")||' '||


 (select sum("InvQty") from "IGN1" where "U_belnrid"="BEAS_FTPOS"."BELNR_ID" and "U_belposid"="BEAS_FTPOS"."BELPOS_ID" and ifnull("U_posid",0)=0)

 ,0) AS int) AS varchar(20)) || ' <spr:von> ' ||

CAST(CAST("BEAS_FTPOS"."MENGE" AS int) AS varchar(20))

||' '||rtrim("BEAS_FTPOS"."ME_LAGER")|| ' <spr:fertig>'





Relevant commands for formatting


delete subsequent spaces


Convert number or date to characters


Pre-assginment of the result with space string, if it is not already assigned



Not all fields are always filled. You must ensure that a ZERO is not returned.

You can intercept this e.g. using is zero():



User-definable fields for APS view

Up to 4 freely definable fields can be defined for the graphic view and 4 fields can be defined for the APS Work order list.


The following fields are available:

Field name

Description of the field (will not be translated)

SQL - Checking - Flag

Display if the entered SQL-instruction is correctly

flaggreen SQL-instruction is correct

flagred An error was detected in the SQL-instruction

SQL Instruction

SQL - fragment. Here will be displayed which information has to be displayed.


Following tables can be accessed

In list and graphic view: Work order position BEAS_FTPOS, Work order BEAS_FTHAUPT as well as Item master OITM.

Only in the graphic view:  Routing BEAS_FTAPL, Resource BEAS_APLATZ



A field can be defined as "Material" if a Grouping for eg. by "Material is required


Field name:        Material

SQL:                coalesce(rtrim("OITM"."U_BEAS_WST_ID"),'')


The sorting and grouping of the material is immediately available in the Sub view definition.

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