Ext. Issue

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Optimized for Zebra Scanner

Browser Support

Barcode Support


beaslogo License

Production Data Collection

Warehouse Support

SAP Bin Management

Beas Bin Management




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Support Asynchronous working


External: Issue Provision


This app is provided as an optional step that depends on the General parameter. The app allows to report the material issue related to the external process.

Note: External Purchase Order Creation is only available for Basic license. The terminal options are only to process the inventory transactions.

IMPORTANT: This app does not create any receipts for finished products - does not register the product or close the operation.


See basic functions in General Information on WEB APPS Version 2.1.




In this tab you can identify the Goods Receipt Purchase order. The user can search by Goods Receipt PO number or Supplier.


Scanner can be used at GRPO number: (similar to Goods Receipt apps)


For the search the system allows filtering by:

GRPO number / line
Supplier ID
Supplier name (visible in tablet mode)


Once the Purchase Order is identified, the Header displays the relevant information:



Field Descriptions



Purchase Order

Goods Receipt Purchase Order number

Confirm completion

- Close the Issue process

- The Routing position will be closed if

 * this is not the first operation and parameter "Automatic Material posting" is first operation.

 * this is not the last operation.



In the first or last operation, an additional backflushing processes can be triggered.

in the last operation, the assembly will be receipted.

For these  processes the program needs more information which is  not available in this moment.

Check box option to close operation when creating the issue document. It assists to process the operation after backflushing.


Additional information

Card Code

Supplier code

Card Name

Supplier name


Note: It is recommended NOT to have the external operation as the last operation of the routing, as when the last (reportable) position is reported, the assembly is automatically entered and the WO position is closed (if applicable).



This tab provides a read-only list of items by position numbers. Select an item in the list to be issued.

By clicking on an item line, the app automatically switches to the Line tab. Once you have pre-assigned quantities for an item in the Line tab, these quantities appear in secondary lines below the line in this tab. With the recycle bin icon, here you can delete a pre-assigned item completely or delete the selected pre-assigned quantity of the line in its secondary line.



Field Descriptions




Position number

Item No.

Item number

Item Name

Item name


Required quantities.

Red: when Open Quantity is > 1
Green= When open Quantity is 0
Yellow= When open Quantity is < 0 (negative) when reserved qty is more than planned.


Quantity to be issued


Warehouse for the provision issue. The value is fixed according to the selected warehouse



In this tab you can edit and enter details for the issue of the selected line in the Lines tab.


Save: Once you have added all mandatory information, you can press this button to create the issue for the selected provision(s)

Important: In the desktop version Beas offers two buttons to handle partial or complete time receipt. See Issuing provision parts Edit

Here, having only the Save button, the time receipt is processed according to the selection in the check box "Confirm completion".



Note: WMS Bin Management is not supported.


Field Descriptions



Item No

Select the Item to post-in. The caption above the field gives a description on the exact type: in the example above (see image) the selected entry is a "Purchase Item with Batch and Bin location". This field supports GS1-128 bar code scanning.


Visible and editable in case of version-managed items. If the item has several versions, you can select the version with the magnifying glass or simply start typing it in the field. When the item is batch-managed, this field also shows the number of selected batches.


After the selection, the Warehouse code is displayed. The exact name of the warehouse and the actual number of items in the warehouse are indicated in brackets above the field. The last used Warehouse is automatically stored and used by the system at the next document creation.

Bin Location

hmtoggle_plus1  Select bin location.

When selecting a bin warehouse, this field is activated to select a bin location for the item. The actual number of items in the bin is indicated in brackets above the field.

Receipt Rules

Issue Rules


Limitation of Beas Bin Management:

- RFID definition is not supported


Limitation of SAP Bin Management:

- not all Bin Rules are supported in the current view

- Weight/Volume are currently not supported in the current view

Batch/Serial Number

The batch_serial_extended opens the "Batch/Serials: Extended Information" screen. In this application you can edit all applicable fields (in "Receipt mode" – see link below).
It is possible to create a goods receipt for a number of batches/serials of the same item with the plus icon. The field in the main screen then displays the number of selected batches – see image above.


See Receipt mode, field names and accessible fields in Extended information screen.

Note: If mandatory information is missing in the Extended information screen, the Batch/Serial Number field will indicate it with a red border in the main screen, even though the field itself is not empty.

In case of a serial-managed item, the serial mode is automatic: you can leave the serial field empty, and the quantities will be picked automatically by Beas.

On how to input a large number of serials see Massive serial input.


The Unit of measure is indicated above the field  (see image above) and called from

the item master data.

Note: Units of measure may be entered with decimals but using the up and down

selection arrows in the right side of the field can only provide rounded values.



See other apps for external operations:

External: Deliver Provisions

External: Goods Receipt Purchase Order

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?ext__issue.htm