Batch/Serial Extended Information screen

Terminal and WEB APP > WEB APPS Version 2.1 > General information > Batch/Serial Extended Information screen

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The batch_serial_extended icon opens a list of further attributes on the selected batch/serial in another screen in the apps.

Batches_Extended_Info Serial_Extended_Info


hmtoggle_plus1Batches: Extended information fields

Field Descriptions



Batch Number

Batch number


Item version


Quantity of the selected batch


- visible in Tablet and Desktop
Batch quantity reserved for the current WO position (WO Goods issue app)

Reserved Total

- visible in Tablet and Desktop

Total reserved batch quantity.

Batch Attribute 1

Batch attribute description 1

Batch Attribute 2

Batch attribute description 2

Date of Permission

Manufacturing Date

Mandatory field for the date of manufacturing. The "Shelf life in days" and "Expiration date" are calculated based on this information.

Shelf life in days

Define shelf life in days. When you provide this information, the system automatically calculates the expiration date.

Expiration date

Counted based on the number of shelf life days added to the manufacturing date.
Changing the expiration date will also automatically calculate the number of shelf life days.


Further details


- Locked

- Not Accessible

- Released

hmtoggle_plus1Serials: Extended information fields

Field Descriptions



Serial Number

Serial Number



Date of Permission

Manufacturing Date

Mandatory field for the date of manufacturing. The "Shelf life in days" and "Expiration date" are calculated based on this information.

Shelf Life in days

Define shelf life in days. When you provide this information, the system automatically calculates the expiration date.

Expiration date

Counted based on the number of shelf life days added to the manufacturing date.
Changing the expiration date will also automatically calculate the number of shelf life days.


Further details

Warranty start

Customized field for items with a warranty period.

End of Warranty

Customized field for items with a warranty period.



Availability of fields

We can group applications in 3 fundamental modes concerning the behavior and availability of the fields found in the "External information" screen:


Issue mode: Goods Issue, WO Goods Issue, Stock transfer

Receipt mode: Goods Receipt, GRPO, WO Goods Receipt

Information mode: all other apps with a batch / serial field




Issue mode

Only the batch/serial number and quantity fields are active. The rest of the fields are read-only. It is possible to add multiple batches and serials with the "+" icon.

Receipt mode

All fields are active and editable. Note: "Version" field is only editable in case the item has a version. See Item Version

Information mode

All fields are read-only.


Note: Only Released batches are displayed in the following apps:

- Allocation

- GoodsIssue

- Picking List

- Picking SO

- Reservation

- StrockTransfer

- WO Backflushing

- WO Time Receipt

- WO Goods Issue

- (class_batches.js) Generic library to deal with more than one batch per line


Massive input of serials:

It is possible to scan / input and auto-generate a number of serial numbers when creating a Goods Receipt PO document. After selecting a line with a Batch/Serial managed-item in a Purchase Order, the "Serials: Extended Information" screen opens. Tapping on the serials_massive_input icon opens the "Massive input" screen:



The Process:

1. Input / Scan serial numbers
2. Tap button "Create" to create serial numbers in the system for the received items

3. Close the "Serials: Extended Information" screen
4. The serials have been created.


Note: For the Massive input of serials you need to select "Manual entry of serial numbers" in Item Master > Master data tab > Series tab > "Serial Number" field.

MicrosoftTeams-image (13)

After finishing this process for each PO item of a selected Purchase Order, and clicking Save, you can create another Goods Receipt PO document starting with the Header tab.

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