Logon Logoff

Terminal and WEB APP > Logon Logoff

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This is an application for simple time recording – for a simple WEB Terminal with fingerprint, RFID or keyboard.



Automatic Logon / Logoff: Insert Card Number +  ENTER

Display Status: Insert Card Number and click on Status.







or use WEB SERVER windows




Attention: This Application is not installed on a new database.

To use this app for the first time, open it from the WEB Server window.



Beas uses web browsers and does not have access to any additional hardware. For RFID or other sensor you must install a driver which sends the information to the keyboard.



All hardware. Internet Browser: IE 8.0 or newer or other modern browsers.


see youtube Logon/Logoff app - Terminal 1.0

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?logon_logoff2.htm