Fixed filters

MRP > Order recommendation: overview > Order recommendation view > Order recommendation List > Fixed filters

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PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario > click the Order recommendation button.

Via Order recommendation > Filter > Function a fixed filter can be stored, and saved per user and scenario.

Call up: In the order recommendation window: Button Filter.



window: mrp_view_search



The upper item list is filtered. The filter has no influence on balance computation or the display of peggings or planned inflow.

It is possible to create a filter per template.

If a template is active, the filter definition is saved in the template.


In this way you can create different MRP scenarios per MRP Definition with templates.


Field description




All items beginning with the search term.


All items whose description begins with search term (placeholders are not allowed here).

Match code

Match code of the item (optional) .


The assignment is done in the item master under employee.


All items with no employee assignment have been displayed additionally. See Note 10502


The following has to be added in Open Event of the filter-window if the "old" behavior is expected:




Example as Script

windowevent open


end event

The effect appears at existing filter only when the filter will be changed.

Drawing number

Items with this drawing number stored in item master.

Raw material

Items with this raw material stored in item master.

Material group

Items with this material group stored in item master.

Main supplier

Items with this main supplier stored in item master.

Procurement type

Buy = All items with Procurement Method = "Buy"

Make = All items with Procurement Method = "Make"

Make or Buy = All items with Procurement Method = "Make" and "Purchased part" is activated

All = all items

Sales order

Items needed for the given sales order. Also a line from the sales order can be entered.

Work order

Items needed for the given work order. Also a order position can be entered.


Item needed for the given project. (Project is taken from Sales order, Work order, etc.)


follow predefined filters are available



Only shortage

All item entries with negative balance at present or in the future.



The entire time-line is checked – not only the current balance or the balance at the end of planning horizon.


If the balance is under-run at any time (e.g. possibly because the planned inflow of an order is too late) with more than what is defined in Tolerance Days, this entry will be displayed.


The system ignores negative balance that is in the past.


In Item Master Data > Planning Data tab you can define Tolerance days.



Related to order scheduling: If there is negative stock in the time line, the item will be shown in MRP as shortage. Here you can enter the number of days. A negative balance will be tolerated.



Stock = 0

Sales order = 3rd May
Purchase order delivery date = 6th May

Material comes 3 days late



If tolerance date for this item is defined with 3 days or more, the result is: OK

If tolerance date is < 2, the MRP must inform you.


In MRP the filter "Only shortage" means:

Display all entries which have a negative balance in the timeline.


(MRP Filter - Predefined Filter)


In this example the item has a balance from 0, but a negative balance between 3 and 6 May

MRP displays this item if the item has "tolerance days" < 3 days.

MRP does not display this item if the item has a "tolerance days" > 3 days.


Negative Balance in past

Negative Balance in past will be ignored entirely.

The calculation for the time area starts from the current Date.



Today is 5th May

Sales Order is 3rd May

Delivery = 6th May


The system calculates: Balance is negative from 5th – 6th May = 1 day.


All calculated entries

All item entries.

Current balance < 0

All item entries with a negative balance at the end of the planning horizon.

Current balance > 0

All item entries with a positive balance at the end of the planning horizon.

Reaching inventory limit

All item entries reaching inventory limit at the end of the planning horizon.

Filter 1...3

Up to three additional fields can be set up. See Configuration wizard Materials management MRP wizard View.


Open search mask first

If active, the search mask is opened first at call up of the order recommendation list.





as default

No template saved:

Filter is stored as default for this scenario and the current user.


A Template is active:

Filter is assigned to the current template. The filter defined here is active if this template was selected.


Show results of filtering without closing the window.


Use current filter. It will remain active until the window "order recommendation" is closed. If saved as default, it will remain until changed.


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