WO logoff Start/End date

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This window  opens at work order logoff, if in the selected resource the option "same start- and end date" was enabled.


Logon work order

Resource: same Start- and End date


Example of use for same start- and end date

A sheet metal punching machine creates several individual pieces for multiple work orders with one push. For this purpose, the orders are successively registered on this machine (resource). This can take some time, though actually ll orders have the same starting point. When the punching operation is finished, all registered orders are completed at the same time.  In the time receipt screen thus only the quantity is entered and the times are automatically distributed as a percentage.

The expense is distributed by a fix formula according to the stored planned times of the work orders.


Distribution rule for order times


Standard parallel time calculation is disabled. The complete lead time is distributed to the time receipts.

Calculation: job time * (yield+scrap qty) : (Sum of all job times * (yield+scrap)) * lead time



Lead time 234 minutes, job time operation 1: 78 mins, operation 2: 240 mins, confirmation operation 1: 2*yield, operation 2: 3*yield (see picture)


Operation 1 = job time 78 mins * 2 yield = 156 mins

Operation 2 = job time 240 mins * 3 Gut = 720 mins

Sum = 876


Calculation Operation 1 =156 mins / 876 total * 234 reported mins = 42 mins

Calculation Operation 2 =720 mins / 876 total * 234 reported mins = 192 mins


If due to rounding, the sum of the individual times does not correspond to the total time, the difference shall be divided equally among the reported work orders.



Parallel resources are not supported. No posting of material (backflushing) and no assembly posting!

Function is not supported by WEB-APPS

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