Reports Production

Production > Report work order

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Default reports and own crystal evaluations can be issued from this window. More reports can be stored via right-click > window settings. See Macro settings.


Only the user with the required authorization can see the lists or report entries.




Evaluation: Resource interruption

Evaluation of the reported interruptions.

Evaluation: Dispatches

Evaluation of the dispatched operation sequences (reserved times).

Evaluation: Production times

Evaluation of the reported order times. Can be used to create effectiveness statistics for resources and personnel .

Evaluation: Scrap

Evaluation of the scrap reports, per resource, item or employee.

Evaluation: Production improvement

View of the progress per work order position and operation sequence.

Evaluation: Material requirements

Material requirement for active work orders opens the material requirement list, and also allows a cumulation per item.



Existing lists were replaced and functions were reworked in beas 9.2.

The "old" allocation function is now deleted. If you still want to use this function, add it manually.


hmtoggle_plus1Instruction: Add the old allocation function.


Only use the "old" allocation function if necessary. Please inform us if you miss some functions in the new allocation function or in the material requirement list.


1. Create new macro, store name.

2. Choose Api "ProdReservationList".

3. Deactivate check box "Simple input" and update entry.

4. Insert new macro tab "Macro step".

5. Create with "BEAS-Formt".

6. Insert report-Name: fert_report_materialverfuegbarkeit.psr.

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