Pricing and transport costs

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The transport costs can be calculated directly for the precalculation and also for the purchase order

The following fields are available for this:





Default supplier. If this is specified, it is loaded by default in purchase orders or quotations and the pricing considers the special price list of the supplier if no price was specified for unit price.


See Configuration wzard – Choose Supplier


The service item is specified here. This is a non-inventory-managed item, as it is a pure service.


If no unit price is specified, pricing is carried out for this item.

Unit price

Service price per price factor

Example: €10 per 1000 price factor corresponds to a price of €0.01 per unit
If no price is specified, the price is calculated using the default pricing.

See Configuration wizard – Pricing

Price factor

Unit price is stored per the value entered here

Minimum price

The minimum price is specified here. If the total unit price is below the minimum price, the value specified here is used.

€10 € per 1000 units, minimum €30

For 1000 units €30 is calculated (minimum price)

For 10000 units €300 is calculated (unit price higher than minimum price)

Transport price


€10 € per 1000 units, minimum price €30, transport price €100, lot size 5000


1000 units are €30 + €100 transport price = 130 €

For 10000 units: €300 € + €200 €transport price (2 x lot size) = €500 €

Shipping per

The quantity specified here can be sent per transport. see Transport price

See Transport price




Collective Purchase Order – Price per unit

Configuration wizard – Purchase order and provision



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