Work order position closing

Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Production > Valuation and Posting of Assembly > Work order position closing

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PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Production > Valuation and Posting of Assembly.

Setup rules which apply for closing work orders.




Behavior on closing

If an assembly is closed manually (see Edit work order position - Close ) or closed automatically via time receipt, it will be checked for open sub-assemblies.


Setup the behavior in this case.

Only if sub-assembly closed (1)

Closing the assembly is only possible if all sub-assemblies are closed, as well.

Message, if sub-assembly is open (2)

A message is issued, telling the sub-assembly is open. You can still close the assembly, but the sub-assembly will remain open.

Default option.


Message: fertabgkert943 "The sub-assemblies ... for the work order ... are not closed. Close the position for the assembly ... anyway?

Close sub-assembly as well (3)

Message if sub-assemblies are open. After confirmation, sub-assemblies are closed.


Message: fertabgkert944 "Sub-assemblies ...for work order document ... are not closed. Close the sub-assemblies ?


Note: It is checked in advance, whether or not sub-assemblies can be closed. If not, the following message is issued:


ftstmp3244332 "There are open time receipts for sub-assembly .... Sub-assemblies cannot be closed. Close the assembly anyway?


Answering with Yes, the current assembly will be closed, but not the sub-assembly.


Variable: fert_abgkzsub, 1,2,3 see brackes in table. Default= 2

Close assembly automatically


If disabled, the assembly will not be closed automatically.

If enabled, behavior depends on the switch Material posting automatically at:


Last operation: Assembly is closed when the last reportable operation is closed.

If the last operation is an external routing position with provision, the system does not close the assembly automatically.
(Supported by all time receipt windows, Data Integration hub / Beas service layer: Time receipt)


Work order backflushing: Assembly is closed when the work order is closed by "Work order backflushing" or when the full planned quantity is reached.


Collective Receipt: Activates close flag atomically if full quantity is defined beas 2020.02


Post-in assembly manually: At posting a check box "Close" is displayed which is controlled by this parameter (beas 9.1 PL: 08)


Data Integration Hub: Material receipt import: no effect


Beas Service Layer: Receipt function: no effect. You can define this with property CloseId



Dealing with an overhead order or project order and a non-storage relates item was stored as assembly, the work order will not be closed automatically. See Production types.



The option has no effect on upper option "Behavior on closing".


fert_abg N=No, J=Yes, A=Query, Default =N

Close work order

If active (default) then the work order is closed when all assemblies have been closed. If you deactivate this option, you need to close the work order manually. fthaupt_abg J/N


Support all time receipt functions..

Last operation: Assembly is closed when all work order positions are closed.


Work order backflushing: Assembly is closed when all work order positions are closed


Post-in assembly manually: At posting a check box "Close" is displayed, which is controlled by this parameter (beas 9.1 PL: 08)


Collective Receipt: no effect


Data Integration Hub:  no effect


Beas Service Layer: Receipt function: no effect.

Only if order is closed

enabled (default): Work order position may only be closed if there is no open purchase order created from an external operation.

disabled: Work order position may be closed, as well, if there are still open purchase orders from external operation.

Important: For correct cost determination it is necessary to register deliveries of open purchase orders. If valuation of the assembly or bookings depend on it, and purchase orders are not closed, differences may arise on accounts. There may be values on the WIP account, which are no more moved to the difference account.


ftpos_orderclose J/N


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