External Production – Issue provision of Goods Receipt XXX

Production > Work order general > WO structure > Issue / Reservations screen > External Production - Issue provision of Goods Receipt XX

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In this window, the material assigned in work order is issued from external manufacturing warehouse.


Window structure


Functions in header

Requirement list




Window reservation_set_master.psr


Button bar in Boyum Style design:



hmtoggle_plus1Scanner support





All pre-allocate

Pre-allocation delete

All selected entries are deleted.


Issue material for all selected positions. After booking, only remaining items yet to be posted are displayed. The window is not closed.

Operation sequence partial receipt

Partial receipt for the external operation. Next operation is released in the pool. If this is the last operation, the assembly is posted in.

Operation sequence confirm completion

Complete time receipt for the external operation. Next operation is released in pool. If this is the last operation,the assembly is posted in. The operation is closed.



WMS, SAP and Beas Bin management system supported.

Beas RFID and WMS Luid supported.

Not possible to create issue from same batch from different Bin locations or same Bin location but different RFID/LUID.

The "Exceeding planned quantity allowed" production configuration setting affects this function. see Configuration setting.


NOTE on reserved materials:

The reserved Material in External operation is at the level of the work order position and not the Purchaser order.
Therefore, if two Purchase orders were created for the same External operation, any of them can use the reserved material of the Work order.



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