Examples of activities

Administration > Utility programs > beas Server management > Planned activities tab > Examples for activities

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PATH: Administration > Utilities > Beas Manage Server > "Planned Activities" tab.



Window system_server_browse.psr


In server management, the following tasks are available by default:



Calculate MRP

Executes all calculations that are activated for automatic computation.

Calculate Batch-PreCalculation

Executes all batch pre-calculations which are enabled for automatic computation.

See Batch-calculation.

Calculate Pool (full)

Computes the resource pool including the active pool (once daily).

Calculate Pool (refresh)

Computes the resource pool, leaving pool 1 unchanged.


Performs a data check and records the existing data integrity problems. This is the same check as performed after a program update.

Stop Beas service

hmtoggle_plus1 End the service

Refresh planned time of resource

Calculates the time available for the resources and resource groups.

This is normally done, but it should be recalculated from time to time.


(Event System: Event dailyevent "and Milestone-Check)

In events daily messages can be created based on this event .

Calculate FDC Daily Report table

hmtoggle_plus1 Update the Daily attendace report


Script examples



Calculate MRP



Calculation of lead time and material requirement


Beas starting parameter "task="

With this parameter a stored activity is executed directly and Beas is closed afterwards.

See access parameters


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202402/index.html?server_beispiele.htm