Processing tab

Sales - AR > Precalculation > Edit Precalculation > Precalculation Controls > Processing tab

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Expand/Collapse Toggles

This first tab of the precalculation edit window has the controls for changing BoM, Routing related components of the calculation and remove the calculation itself.


The right-click menu can be called from any BoM or Routing line in the Precalculation structure.







Button to edit the currently selected item (corresponds to double-click on an item or push button "open entry") in the structure.


Special feature: When editing the first entry, the window for calculation details opens.

This option is disabled if the calculation was called from item  master.

Insert Item

Opens a item selection window. The items selected  (and possibly their substructure) are inserted at the current position.

New assembly

Insert a new assembly, which does not yet exist in the item master.

New material

Insert a new purchase part, which does not yet exist in the item master.

(Create) Operation

Insert new operation for the material.


Add new tool to the selected operation.

Parallel resource

Add a parallel resource to the selected operation.

Alternative resource

Add an alternative resource to the selected operation.


Cut the selected position and its substructure. It remains at a new location as long as it is not inserted.


Copy the selected position and its substructure.


Insert the previously cut or copied position.


hmtoggle_plus1 Delete row, structure or calculation

Remove complete calculation

Delete the entire calculation structure.


Recalculate the entire calculation.

Calculation Object

Opens the Calculation objects list of the actual Calculation Schema. Click Choose after selecting an object to add it to the precalculation structure.
Window pk_typen_search.psr

Expand/Minimize all

Expand/Minimize the complete Precalculation structure


Open the Search query window



View tab

Functions tab


Right-click menu: 2nd tab

Right-click menu: 3rd tab

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